WoW Working to Enlist National Support Ahead of Rosh Chodesh Elul

koselThe Women of the Wall (WoW) organization is not permitting itself a bein hazmanim and organizers are working hard to bring many supporters to the Kosel for Rosh Chodesh Elul 5773, August 7, 2013. The organization is operating buses from various locations around the country to facilitate bringing those interested in taking part in their effort, to establish new norms at the Kosel.

On the organization’s website it states buses will run from Tel Aviv “and anywhere else that expresses interest”.

The website states “The future of the status of women and all Jews at the Western Wall hangs in the balance. Even after gaining the legal right for all to pray freely according to her belief, we are still forbidden access to the Torah on the Women’s side. On Rosh Hodesh Av, men and women from all Jewish denominations were physically blocked from entering the Kotel Plaza. 200 police officers watched on as protesters, men and women, harassed and abused our group for over an hour. This must not happen again. It is now up to all of us, men and women, , Conservative, Orthodox, Reform, Renewal, Reconstructionist and unaffiliated, to safeguard the Kotel as a place for all Jews.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. ““The future of the status of women and all Jews at the Western Wall hangs in the balance.”

    She’s entirely correct, though not the way she meant it.

  2. Women striving to be like men have a very low self-esteem and obviously embarrassed of their status.
    Like the chilonim striving to be like goyim are embarrassed of their Jewish heritage and ashamed of being part of the Chosen Nation. Even if they have their own state, their galut mentality overpowers them.

  3. Hopefully the Bnei Torah will rally to block them. It should be clear that their goal is to redefine the kossel as a national shrine, and to ban orthodox Jewish practices. In the future, they hope, frum Jews will be banned from hold halachically acceptable activities, which from their perspective, violate the secular zionist nature of how they perceive the kossel.

    Making the kossel into a hareidi-free zone is just another front of the hilonim (may Ha-Shem blot out their names) in their war against Torah.

  4. I am dismayed at akuperma’s use of the ugly expression yimach shemo, an expression not even used against harugei beis din. I personally would not be opposed to physical force against these people, because what they are doing is an affront to the kedushas hamakom, and standing by without reaction is like participating. But an ehrliche yid should not say yimach shemo, even in English.

  5. #7
    “an erliche yid should not say yimach shemo” Who created those two words!?
    For whom was it created? Do you daven everyday? Do you say VELAMALSHINIM?
    The TUMEH of Zionism is more and actually absorbs in itself ALL The tumehes since the creation of the world!

  6. Maybe we the frum Jews should put together a collection to build the WoW women a new western wall, in western Iran.
    Then they can get in/on their buses, donkeys, planes, bicycles, motorcycles, camels, cars, boats, or even walk to their sacred new wall.

  7. #6,7 The words yimach shemo are only used against Amelek, using them on jews even if they are not frum is disgusting!
    Do you really want to destroy 5.4 MILLION PEOPLE?!

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