How Long Will The Siyum HaShas Be?

The Siyum HaShas will not just be a few hours on January 1. The Siyum will last for the next seven and a half years. How? Well, don’t worry, it’s not about long endless speeches, it’s about the impact, inspiration and the growth of Torah learning.

What is The Siyum HaShas All About?

I know what you’re thinking. The Siyum is about tens of thousands of lomdei Daf Yomi, who day in and day out would not miss their blatt of Gemara for 2711 days, for seven and a half years with incredible devotion and mesiras nefesh. But, that’s not all.

The Siyum is not just about the massive event on January 1 with 90,000 yidden and hundreds of thousands around the world, it is about January 2 onward. It’s about the Torah learning being generated and that will be inspired through The Siyum. And, you can partner with this epic growth of Torah now by reserving your seat HERE, and don’t just reserve your seat, reserve your legacy.

The Siyum is not about January 1, but about January 2. The massive event is not celebrating the completion but the new beginning of a surge of Torah learning. For the next seven and a half years, thousands upon thousands of people will increase, recommit and enhance their learning as a result of The Siyum and the initiatives of Chavrei HaSiyum, Masmidei HaSiyum and the Daf Yomi Chaburos.

This is your opportunity to connect to limud haTorah. Join a Daf Yomi Chaburah, or learn a masechta through Chavrei HaSiyum. Perhaps Kinyan Masechta is for you, or Amud Yomi or Amud HaShavuah. There are so many opportunities out there to live Ki Heim Chayeinu.

But, there is one way for everyone to become a partner in this amazing increase in Torah and that is by reserving your seat for The Siyum now. CLICK HERE now. Don’t wait, because there are a limited number of seats still available.

13 Responses

  1. So…how long will it be? Last time was too long with an apology in the papers the next week. The last t win left in middle of the speechew! Some of us want to know, before we order tickets, how long will it be?

  2. Well, January 5th. The last daf of this cycle Nidda, Ayin Gimmel is on shabbos, the 4th. then again, perhaps some people will need 4 days to phsych themselves up for the next cycle.

  3. Everyone realizes it is the middle of the winter. If it is very cold some will have to leave early. You order tickets and if it is too long go home before the end. No tekiah gedolah to wait for at the end of neilah

  4. i disagree that the siyum shouldn’t be about January 1 but about January 2 and beyond. That disregards the whole idea of having a siyum. You worked hard for 7 and a half years, revel in that feeling of accomplishment

  5. If I remember correctly, the problem last time was not entirely that It was too long. Many people left their houses late, didn’t allow time for traffic and other delays, and the organizers decided to be “generous” and delay the start of the program until more people showed up.

  6. Goldilocks, the last Siyum, aside from the traffic and people leaving home late not having considered the traffic issue, it was a day of heavy rain until just about start time. They had to triage and provided rain gear and just then the rain stopped. Seats were wet and it just took long until they could organize the event with so many people not comfortably seated.
    But let’s think positive! So many people got up in the wee hours of the morning – my husband for one spent months not seeing daylight until after shacharis for most of the seven and a half years. Others did it night for 7 and a half long years! It will be great!

  7. I was on one of the buses from Brooklyn and the driver made a wrong turn missing the parking lots causing us to drive arround NJ for over an hour until we made it back to the stadium.

  8. As I told my wife when she asked what was i going to do after I finished the Current Daf Cycle. My answer ” I am going to sit and learn”. 🙂 Kol hakavod to all of us. It is and was a wonderful amazing fulfilling ride.

  9. I will not buy a ticket unless Agudah promises that not all Agudah machers will speak, not all big donors have to speak and not all terrible speakers have to speak. Last siyum the first half of the program was beyond boring and if not for Rabbi Frand saving the day it would have been a total disaster.

  10. All said and done is there a plan how to prevent people from actually literally freezing in the New York January weather. Even if everyone wears warm hats and gloves, after an hour or so of sitting in one place in the frigid outdoors the body will start getting frostbite. Even if it’s milder than usual its unlikely to be comfortable enough for people just to sit back and enjoy, which is a great shame for such a momentous occasion. Its not about numbers and massive stadiums its about celebration and inspiration. Thats not easy if your teeth are clattering from the cold.

  11. Goldilocks: So far, unclear. The regular cocoa vendor has yet to find a source with cholov Yisroel. Perhaps daven for warm temperatures on New Years Day

  12. @apushatayid – waiting 4 days is an interesting idea however being that you mentioned that the final mesechta is Niddah may I suggest a slight modification and make the wait 12 days-(5+7)

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