It Appears the PM May be Preparing to Sell Out

biabFor many, the announced resumption of talks between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority) does not come as a surprise for they explain it’s about the Golden Rule, “the one with the gold makes the rules” and that is what occurred in this case as well. US Secretary of State John Kerry in talks last week in Amman, Jordan with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) threatened to cut off US funding if the PA leader does not agree to resume talks with Israel. In short, the US played the money card to persuade Abu Mazen it is in his interest to signal a willingness to return to the negotiations.

PM Masterfully Working to Mask Reality

According to the Maariv version, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu received American assurances there would not be open demands for an Israeli return to the pre-June 1967 borders. This is not to say the PA will not continue demanding just that, in addition to continued calls for a total cessation of construction throughout Yehuda, Shomron and Yerushalayim. The prime minister is already working the media spin and the conflicting reports are flying locally and in the international media as well. Now in his third term in office, a career diplomat, Mr. Netanyahu is no novice and working the press is among his talents, accompanied by above average oratory skills in both Hebrew and English.

According to Kerry, the PA’s Dr. Saeb Erekat, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and by the prime minister’s emissary, attorney Yitzchak Molcho are all heading to Washington, DC. They will set a timetable and venue, and it appears the actual talks will begin at the senior level, with the prime minister and PA chairman.

The prime minister has already convened his Political-Security Cabinet to detail the details agreed to towards permitting a resumption of talks. Minister of Intelligence & Strategic Affairs (Likud) Dr. Yuval Steinitz confirmed to the media that the prime minister has agreed to a good-will prisoner release. The release is expected by week’s end, and not less than forty terrorists.

Bibi’s Secret Document: Okay’s Pre-’67 Boundaries Discussion

Maariv adds that Mr. Netanyahu has given Kerry a private document, one that “does not bind Israel legally”, and while it is not being said explicitly, the talks are on the basis of Israel’s willingness to withdraw to the pre-1967 borders.

This mystery document may play a pivotal role in the future, but for now, it remains the key to Abu Mazen’s agreement yet permitting the prime minister to insist he is not selling out.

Housing Minister (Bayit Yehudi) Uri Ariel stated there wouldn’t be a construction freeze. MK (Likud) Yariv Levin, who heads the Eretz Yisrael Lobby along with MK (Bayit Yehudi) Orit Struk stated they would not tolerate talks premised on an Israeli return to pre-Six Day War borders.

The prime minister announced that any agreement with the PA will have to be approved in a national referendum.

Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett announced some time ago that he party will not leave due to statements, but only due to actions. The question that now remains is when will the “statements” be viewed as “actions” by Bennett for according to many right-wingers, a halt or slow down of construction in yishuvim is already a red line that may not be crossed.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. “the talks are on the basis of Israel’s willingness to withdraw to the pre-1967 borders.”

    That the pre-1967 borders would be the foundation of peace talks was agreed to by Israel in the Bush Road Map ten years ago. Benjamin Netanyahu was part of the Government at that time, as Finance Minister.

  2. The PM has no choice. This is payment for America’s investment of $Billions for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system. What would you do if you were the PM?

  3. cherrybim,

    MUCH more than that, Israel has to toe the line with the US at this time, in the eleventh hour of the Iranians gaining nuclear capabilities. Israel cannot afford to upset Osama right now.

  4. It seems when you have a left wing goverment at least the right wing will oppose but when the right wing wants to give land none left to oppose

  5. Netanyahu is playing with fire and will get burned. Abbas can’t make peace (not that he wants to), he controls nothing. Constantly caving in to Obama will only lead to disaster. Yisroel Betach B’Hashem, not Obama. Bottom line, if you have no self respect, no one will respect you and you will pay the price.

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