Rav Wolpe Calls for Civil Disobedience to Oppose Construction Freeze

wolpeThe head of the Our Land of Israel organization, Rabbi Dov Wolpe is calling for civil disobedience in response to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu building freeze policy.

The rav calls on residents of Yehuda and Shomron to defy the prime minister’s policy and to continue building and expanding homes in defiance of the government in response to US Secretary of State John Kerry announcing a resumption of the diplomatic process between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority), which includes another Israeli freeze on construction.

Rav Wolpe speaks of how “Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is betraying his people and land by agreeing to negotiate with terrorists regarding the establishment of a Palestinian state in the heart of the Jewish communities throughout Yehuda and Shomron.’

“If the civil disobedience does not begin now, we will once again see divisions of heartless soldiers dressed in black as they destroy additional Jewish communities and ruin the lives of those residents.”

Wolpe issues a call to Bayit Yehudi MKs and cabinet ministers along with the “level headed members of Likud” to act immediately and not permit yet another building freeze in Israel. The rav warns Secretary Kerry and US President Obama of the tragedies they are bringing to the United States as a result of the war they are waging against Eretz Yisrael.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. The willingness of the Hareidim to engage in civil disobedience over conscription will encourage the Dati Leumi to engage in civil disobedience to support their agenda, and vice versa, regardless of the fact that their ideological positions are totally in conflict with each other (i.e. if you favor holding the territories, you have to be willing to fight for them — and if you opposed fighting the Arabs, you ahve to be prepared to give up all the disputed territories)

  2. So Yishuv Eretz Yisroel is more important than Torah learning? Or did I miss the call for civil disobedience in relation to those gezeiros?

  3. Why did rabbi wolpe support bayit hayehudi instead of otzma l’yisrael? Everyone knew you can trust eldad and ben-ari that they would not give away land bennet is just another politician

  4. midwesterner,

    Mesirus chelkei eretz yisroel is sakanas nefashos mamash. No one’s life is being put at risk by yungerleit, many of whom are not so young anymore, being asked to support themselves.

  5. BH

    My answer to # 4, I think Harav Volpe is not saying this because of Yishuv Herets Yisroel, he is talking of Pikuach nephesh, every time more arabs and less yiden are accupying land in erets yisroel, it brings more sakone R”L.

    and maybe for this reason we chareidim SHOULD do something for public service, if not full time soldiers, something to help protect the yiden

  6. #9 It’s not charedim who should do something for public service. They’re doing MORE for sharing the burden than chilonim. Learning Torah protects Israel MORE than those carrying arms. Without Torah, Israel is gone…..

    Charedim should reserve civil disobedience when the reshaim in the government will forcefully drag boys out of yeshiva. All these problems and decrees Israel is having now with Kerry and Shmerry and the EU is because of their evil decree against charedim and Torah.

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