Mazel Tov: Baby Born Near the Kever of Rav Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev

The international dispatch center of United Hatzalah (UH) received a call for a Jewish woman in the process of giving birth near the tziyun of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev ZT”L, located in Ukraine.

UH Commander in Ukraine, Rav Hillel Cohen, responded to the call, explaining, “With Siyata Dishmaya, R’ David Breier, one of the heads of Hatzalah Skvere, which donated an ambulance to Ukraine Hatzalah, was nearby the site and with the assistance of a local ambulance, the child came into the world”.

The mother and son were transported with the assistance of the Rav of Berdichev, Rav Moshe Teller, and R’ Shlomo Wilhelm, Rav of Zhytomyr, to the local Berdichev hospital and according to plan, the they will be moved to a more professional hospital in Zhytomyr. B’chasdei Hashem, the woman has health insurance and they will be flown home with the assistance of the Israeli Embassy in Kiev.

Rav Cohen stresses the need for each and every traveler to have health insurance, something that proves its value over and over again, as the costs in local hospitals is quite expensive. This applies to all travelers, including the tens of thousands expected during Tishrei.

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(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. Which normal women travels to places like bardichev in her ninth month putting her self and baby in danger?
    I don’t believe any doctor would of approved traveling in the ninth month to a place where medical help is almost zilch. Anyhow Mazel Tov to the parents and see loads of naches

  2. Mazal Tov! As this lady has health insurance why does she need the help of the Israeli Embassy in Kiev to book a return flight? Surely one call to the helpline of the insurance company would sort that out.

  3. I see a trend starting. Have your baby near the kever of a chassidishe rebbe! I also see a business opportunity….especially with health insurance paying lots of costs….

  4. Reb Yossel, it’s Elul. Let’s try and keep the halacha of judging favorably. Can you come up with a kaf zechus? Use your imagination! Here’s one possibility: The woman was only 35 weeks and in previous births she’d always been induced at 42 weeks so she didn’t entertain the thought that she’s at risk.
    We will be judged the way we judge others. As we approach Yom Hadin, it behooved us to look at others with a kindly eye. Much hatzlacha to all of us in our avodas Hashem as we prepared for our day in court…

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