Ichud Hatzalah’s Annual Kenos Rabbonim

hTens of Ichud (United) Hatzalah’s Rabbonim gathered last week for the organization’s annual kenos rabbonim. Dozens of rabbonim from all areas of Eretz Yisrael took part in the event. Prior to the kenos, heads of the emergency medical organization visited with HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita to receive the Gadol Hador’s bracha and instructions as how to proceed.

Standing at the head of the Vaad Rabbonim are HaRav Azriel Auerbach Shlita, HaRav Yehuda Silman Shlita, and HaRav Aryeh Dvir Shlita, who oversee the direction and operating protocols of the organization vis-à-vis matter of Halacha.

Questions submitted by many volunteers and area commanders were heard as the rabbonim listened attentively and ruled on matters pertinent to the day-to-day operation of the nationwide organization, today numbering over 2,000 volunteers.

HaRav Yaakov Rosenberg Shlita, who heads the Halacha Division of the organization, explained the need for each and every new member to learn and familiarize himself with the pertinent halachos that are involved in the life-saving work.

HaRav Sariel Rosenberg Shlita, head of the National Rabbinical Vaad, gave his warm bracha to the organization’s ongoing and growing activities to save lives anywhere in Eretz Yisrael.

HaRav Shlomo Haraz Shlita, who heads the organization’s Southern District, highlighted the integral role Ichud Hatzalah plays in Israel today, adding that in addition to the emergency medical aspect, there is the added tznius and understanding of the chareidi lifestyle that makes the volunteers’ arrival a welcome reality to the chareidi tzibur at large. He cited how Gedolei Yisrael Shlita called for the establishment of the organization, and how volunteers continue fulfilling this mission to the best of their abilities each and every day.

HaRav Yisrael Brazovsky, who heads Ichud Hatzalah in Betar Illit, explained how ahavas yisrael prevails in the organization towards fulfilling its life-saving mission.

HaGaon HaRav Auerbach Shlita gave his bracha for the organization’s ongoing work, speaking of the directive to ללמוד וללמד לשמור ולעשות, highlighting the need to perform the life-saving work in adherence to Hilchos Shabbos that are pertinent to such situations.

The final speaker was Rav Ze’ev Kashash, who delivered the bracha given by HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita. Kashash thanked the rabbonim and the various committees that spend tireless hours listening to the issues and ruling on many Halachic matters that permit volunteers to deliver high-level pre-hospital medical care in the framework of Halacha.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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