WATCH IT: Chassidim In Brooklyn Help Rescue Kitten Stuck In Sewer For Two Days

Watch as this group of New Yorkers – Chassidim, Hispanics and others – join together to rescue a kitten that was stuck in a sewer for nearly two days.

Besides for being wet and frightened, the baby cat looked healthy.

A Hispanic man who did the final rescue said he was adopting the kitten and named him Sonia.

Some milk was brought out of a nearby store to feed the kitten following its harrowing ordeal.


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3 Responses

  1. Its been two hours, and not a single post about what a “Kiddush hashem” this represents. Notwithstanding, this is a wonderful story about yidden assisting in an act of chesed consistent with concern over t’zar baalei chayim. However, the article fails to note whether the milk provided to the kitten after the rescue was cholov yisroel so we are left wondering about whether they missed an opportunity for hidur mitzvah.

  2. i drove by last night on the way to mariv a whole crew of people working i thought some diamond ring had fallen in . yiddin are rachmonim and the peula of rachamim in this world is meorer rachammim lemaleh a gut yohr

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