Rep. Peter King Considering White House Run In 2016

pkingThe following is a WABC article:

Peter King is considering a longshot bid for the White House, because he doesn’t like what’s happening within his Republican Party.

He thinks it’s being dominated by ultra-conservatives like Ted Cruz of Texas and Tea Party favorite Rand Paul, and he says they know little about foreign policy.

“It’s just a feeling that the Republican Party has gone over into a narrow area, and we are writing off too many valuable constituencies that share our values, so this is as much of a movement of ideas as it is about me and people who want those ideas carried forward. Right now they see me as a person who can do it,” King said.

King is considered a moderate like Governor Chris Christie who is also considered a candidate for 2016. Christie is well known and King is not.

King is now in his 11th term in the House of Representatives and he lives in Seaford, Long Island. He said the likely Democratic nominee will be Hillary Clinton.

So he says it’s important for Republicans to nominate someone who can go toe to toe with her on issues like the threat of terrorism.

“I think she’s very strong on foreign policy and I think that if we nominate someone from our isolationist wing of the party she’ll destroy them. We need someone who can stand up to her,” King said.

King’s expertise is on terrorism, he’s the former chairman of Homeland Security, and he says his decision to think about running for president was motivated by the Boston Marathon bombings.

He says he’s troubled by how that investigation was handled, and he says as president, he could fix things.

“It showed how vulnerable we are; also in the aftermath it showed there was not enough cooperation between the FBI and the local police. We need a strong president, I believe, to tell the FBI to ‘knock it off’ and to cooperate with the local police, they told the Boston Police nothing,” King said.

(Source: WABC)

3 Responses

  1. He is a RINO fool. As a friend says, we dont need democreep light! We need strong conservative to take this country back. RINOs dont win.

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