Rav Lau Will Have a Busy Chief Rabbinate Election Day

lauModi’in Chief Rabbi David Lau, who is a leading candidate in the race to become the next Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, will have an extremely busy day on Wednesday, 17 Menachem Av 5773, Election Day. His day will busier than the other candidates because on motzei Tisha B’Av, the rav learned that a grandson was born Baruch Hashem.

The rav told Kikar Shabbat that he just completed a shiur for the Modi’in Bnei Akiva Yeshiva and they were about to begin Maariv, to end the fast day, when he saw on his phone that his son Yedidya was calling. He asked the chazzan to wait a moment to permit him to respond. His son wanted to inform the rav that he is a grandfather as they just had a son.

Rabbi Lau shared his good news with the khal, after which they begin Maariv.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Good thing the rav “learned” that a grandson was born. Btw was that HIS grandson?
    Oh, later it says that his son Yedidya informed him that he is a grandfather, since he just had a son.
    Aha, now I also learned that a grandson was born. The Ravs grandson.

  2. Btw, if you are going to be so lengthy in saying that he had a grandson, you should at least say why he will have a busier day on Election Day. Kol hamosif gorea.

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