Bayit Yehudi MK Goes to War to Save Chareidi Mosdos

ponIt was an extremely stormy session of the Knesset Education Committee on Wednesday, 10 Menachem Av 5773 when MK (Bayit Yehudi) Yoni Chetboun remained adamant in his objection to severe cuts to chareidi educational mosdos. Chetboun would not back down and ultimately, he was ousted from the session, replaced by party colleague Shuli Moalem-Refaeli, who agreed to modified cuts.

The committee wanted to cut off funding for mosdos that do not include core subjects, English, math and other secular topics, but Chetboun absolutely refused to cutting funds from these schools. It is reported that the argument become so intense that at one point, Minister of Education (Yesh Atid) Rabbi Shai Piron threatened that if he does not support the new cuts, he, the minister, will all halt funding to chareidi mosdos. Mosdos that include core subjects will be eligible up to 55% funding while those mosdos unwilling to introduce the core subjects will be limited to up to 30%. This was passed by the committee and is expected to pass into law under the Arrangements Law.

The compromise will delay the cuts for one year and the implementation will be gradual, over a three-year period. In addition, nothing will change in a school’s budget without first speaking with the school directors and then subject to the committee’s approval.

Chetboun explains that cuts cannot be drastic, “like a blow of an axe” for such actions “are wrong and immoral”. He points out seeking to compel new realities on schools is a recipe for failure. “The Torah world is a cornerstone of the nation and the Jewish People’s identity” he exclaimed.

The organization representing dati leumi talmidei torah praised the MK’s actions and success to protect funding for mosdos Torah.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. This from a supposed representative of the “House of Goyim”. Anybody want to apologize? No?

    The silence of your hypocrisy is deafening.

    an Israeli Yid

  2. “Mr. Shai Piron threatened that if he does not support the new cuts, he, the minister, will all halt funding to chareidi mosdos!”

    Piron is an arrogant dog! How did that fat back stabber ever get to the position of telling the DL community, anything! May he & Dovy have a quick Mapalah!

  3. #2 lease remove the frum part of your posting name. you are just secular. you don’t value torah learning.

  4. Hello, mr. Israeliyid, did the bayit shel goyim fight for this, or was there 1 mk, who was thrown out of session who faught for the funding. Fact is, bayit shek goyim has been ignoring rabbonim, Daas Torah and showed very little chashivus for Torah and Torah institutions.
    Secular frummy let them take away all the money, rather not take money to compromise Torah learning that has kept us alive for thousands of years. Your hatred for Torah learners is a bit too apparent for you to be so proud. Nothing will get in the way of pure genuine Torah 🙂

  5. #1 His words are to be commended, but it was Bayit Yehudi who put Shai Piron where he is today. Dati leumi yeshivot are in disarray and many looking to close the doors. Hareidim are being told to choose between Torah education or starving to death. All this and more in the “jewish state”. Who is the author of every single anti-religious decree? Yair, son of Tommy “coalition without hareidim” Lapid and look at all the damage he has managed to do to every single sector of klal Yisrael, never mind unity. Except reform of course.

    Who was it who said “House of Goyim”? Maran Ovadia Yosef? We’ll get back to you when someone on here is as qualified as the gadol hador to make such comments.

  6. Kudos to someone from the DL camp who still believes in the importance of torah. it sems funny they can just oust him from a session in order to replace him with someone else happy to cut funding to thousands of children.
    #2, maybe you should serve, go become an MK, and then try your hand at ruining the tinokos shel bais rabbon.

    “he, the minister…” maskim, no rabbi there. thats happily ironic.

  7. Chetboun is like Yitro in the “House of Paroh”, Shuli Moalem-Refaeli is like Iyov and Mr. Piron is like Bilaam in the same place and we know what happened to each of them…

    #1 Reuven fell into a ditch. Shimon came and rescued him from there. Reuven had no words to thank him for saving him. Shimon tells him, there’s no reason to thank. I was the one that dug the ditch…

  8. Minister Rav Shai Piron is a representative of Yesh Atid, not Bayit Yehudi. Chareidim have sat in coalitions with individuals much more odious than Rav Piron – or Yair Lapid, for that matter. Political alliances do not mean that one agrees with one’s partner on all issues, so blaming Bayit Yehudi for Rav Piron’s statements does not make sense. Rather, one should be thanking MK Chetboun for his support…

    As to whose fault any of this situation is – there’s more than enough blame to go around – but to be honest, the Chareidi parties bear at least as much blame as anyone else. And, K’vod Rabbo bimkomo munach, I do very much question Rav Ovadia, Shlita’s words regarding Bayit Yehudi. “Chachamim, Hizaharu B’divreichem” was said to Chachamim who were not otherwise careful about what they say – and these were individuals whom Chazal referred to as Chachamim. “Ohev Shalom, v’Rodef Shalom, Ohev es HaBriyos u’Mikarvan l’Torah”.

    an Israeli Yid

  9. 1. The current crisis can be ended if Bayit Yehudi ends its alliance with Yesh Atid, resulting in the coalition reforming as a Likud-Hareidim-Bayit Yehudi coalition.

    2. There is a separate issue that the Israeli welfare state is bigger than the Israeli economy can support, but it would be best if that were addressed in economic terms rather than using selective austerity to bash whomever one wishes to bash.

  10. #11 Thank you for truth in reporting

    #12 Still not sure that the Charedim will join a Likud party with Bayit Yehudi so you may be barking up the wrong tree.

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