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PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO: It May Save The Life Of A Child



Recently, there have been a few cases of infants R”L dying, after being forgotten in vehicles. YWN Israel reported three such cases in the past two weeks alone.

In Israel, Ichud (United) Hatzalah has undertaken a campaign which the EMS organization hopes will save lives.

Ichud’s over 2,000 nationwide volunteers will be distributing stickers that say “Don’t leave me along in the car, even for a minute” in the hope of getting the message out.

MDA launched a campaign as well, with volunteers handing out stickers at intersections; stickers that say “Take a look and save a life. A glance at parked car can save lives”. MDA is calling on the general public to take a look at parked vehicles.

YWN came across this video, which may be frightening to some to watch – but by watching it, it may save a life.

Click HERE to watch this video on a mobile device.

(YWN world Headquarters – NYC)

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