The Siyum Is The Most Exciting Siyum Hashas To Date

“Tickets are being reserved at record speed…” An Exclusive Interview with Rabbi Naftali Miller

Klal Yisrael is gearing up for the greatest event in recent history – The Siyum. We had the opportunity to sit down with Rabbi Naftali Miller, National Director of Development of The Agudah to get some inside details at what’s going on behind the scenes at The Siyum.

Rabbi Miller, we have heard that this upcoming siyum is generating more interest than ever before. Why is that?

RNM: Yes, Baruch Hashem. We have expanded The Siyum into more than just a celebration of the Siyum HaShas by Daf Yomi. Upon the guidance of the Novominsker Rebbe, The Siyum is set to be a global celebration of Torah. The mission hge charged us with is Ki Heim Chayeinu – spreading kvias itim laTorah through Daf Yomi, Chavrei HaSiyum and Masmidei HaSiyum.

How is the increased interest impacting The Siyum?

RNM: Well, with the natural population growth our community has been blessed with ka”h over the past decade, and the tens of thousand more lomdei Daf Yomi this cycle, adding on more than 30,000 children and their families and over 7000 members of Chavrei HaSiyum across nearly 200 shuls, the demand for tickets is off the charts. We have already sold out of $54 seats in less than 2 days of ticket sales being open to the public. Of course, if you didn’t reserve your seat yet, you can do so now by clicking here.

That’s amazing!

RNM: Yes, but there’s more. The increased interest is impacting two other critical areas. First, we are working to enhance the program of The Siyum to ensure that the event itself is even more enjoyable and inspiring than ever before. Thousands have shared with us their stories of inspiration at The Siyum, their resulting renewed commitment to learning, or their initial commitment to learning. We want to actively increase the impact of The Siyum to generate more inspiration, more Limud HaTorah and an even greater Kiddush Sheim Shamayim.

Second, as a result of the inspiration around the initiatives of The Siyum and our new mission, hundreds of community leaders, askanim, corporations and influencers are getting involved in unprecedented ways.

Can you share some details with us?

RNM: Well, there are so many examples, but I don’t think I can put it any better than this email I received from one of our sponsors:

“Hi… After being inspired by the last siyum, 10 of my friends started landing The Daf in our shul. It was the best decision I ever made in my life. It changed all our lives and all my positive energy all my chiyus in all aspects of life from learning The Daf.

The Gemara connected me to all the Chasidishe Seforim I never related to, my Shabbos Tish started to look different and I even began being ma’avir sedra.

No, I come home from work and I can’t wait to go to the daily Daf Yomi shiur. No matter if I have a wedding or Bar Mitzvah that night, learning The Daf comes first.

I remember how I felt when I finished my first Masechta. I felt like it took me 31 years to finish my first Masechta, but just over 7 years later, I have made 35 siyumim, and I can’t wait to start all over again.

And the most beautiful thing about this is that my kids see how their father goes to learn every night. They are machshiv Torah so much more themselves and they have improved in cheider. Of course I will become a sponsor. “

There are also thousands of individual sponsors reserving VIP seats.

What are the VIP seats?

RNM: Hundreds of people are reserving these seats. Some are Lomedei Daf Yomi, some are part of Chavrei HaSiyum, and some are groups from various businesses. They all share the common vision of supporting what we are doing to increase Limud HaTorah in unprecedented ways. There are 3 levels of premium seats. You can check out all the details at

  1. The seats on the floor of the stadium puts you right at the center of the action. The inspiration attendees will feel up close to the stage and dais, the ability to dance on the floor after the hadran
  2. The United and Toyota Club Seats which offer luxury seating, with exclusive indoor heated club access, catering, priority parking and expedited security and an amazing experience.
  3. The Coaches Club seats are the best seats in the house. With access to the exclusive indoor heated Coches Club, the most premium club at MetLife Stadium, Coaches Club seat-holders will enjoy premium catering and amazing fieldlevel views of the program.

Is each premium seat holder a sponsor?

RNM: Yes! While higher level sponsors may get more recognition, every single premium seat hold is supporting the work we are doing and is a true partner in increasing limud Hatorah around the world. You are not just buying a ticket, you are buying into this amazing movement to spread and grow limud HaTorah.

If someone wants to get more involved in supporting these life word-changing initiatives what should they do?

Baruch Hashem, the response to date has been overwhelming, but, there is so much more we can do to spread Torah and increase the Kavod Shamayim The SIyum will generate. Anyone interested in helping can reach out to me at [email protected].

Ticket reservation are now available by clicking here.

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