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Greenfield Praises Quick Response by Hatzolah After Intern Faints at Speaker’s Press Conference

SOL3Councilman David G. Greenfield today praised the quick response by volunteer Hatzolah ambulance crews after an intern for Councilwoman Diana Reyna fainted at a press conference held by Council Speaker Christine Quinn today in Brooklyn:

“The quick and professional response by Hatzolah ambulance crews today is even more impressive considering that it occurred on Tisha B’Av, when its volunteers are in the middle of fasting. This incident reinforced what we already knew – our community is extremely fortunate to have capable and dedicated volunteers looking out for us around the clock. It is important that we find out what caused the FDNY ambulance to be delayed in the first place, but it is also important that we pause to thank these great volunteers for their response today and throughout the year,” said Councilman Greenfield.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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