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Sharpron To Lead ‘Justice For Trayvon’ Rallies

sharpThe Rev. Al Sharpton announced Tuesday that he will lead a national “Justice for Trayvon” day in 100 cities this weekend to press for federal civil rights charges against George Zimmerman.

Zimmerman’s acquittal over the weekend in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin has touched off protests around the country. The Justice Department is investigating whether Zimmerman violated Martin’s civil rights when he shot the 17-year-old during a February 2012 confrontation in Sanford, Fla. Zimmerman said he fired his gun in self-defense.

“People all across the country will gather to show that we are not having a two- or three-day anger fit. This is a social movement for justice,” Sharpton said as he announced the plan outside the Justice Department with several ministers.

The rallies and vigils will occur in front of federal court buildings at noon Saturday in cities including Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia and New York.

Sharpton admits there are possible legal hurdles, but says “there is also a blatant civil rights question of does Trayvon Martin and the Trayvon Martins of this country have the civil right to go home.”

Sharpton says vigils will be followed by a conference next week in Miami to develop a plan to address Florida’s “stand-your-ground” law. The law gives people wide latitude to use deadly force if they fear death or bodily harm.

A six-member jury acquitted Zimmerman of second-degree murder and manslaughter charges.


11 Responses

  1. If I were a person of color, I would not want Sharpton representing me – he’s a clown – owes hundreds of thousands in taxes – messed up personal relationships – came to prominence over a girl who lied about being attacked by whites. Sharpton is shameful.

  2. If we don’t have the liar of holder as the attorney general al might be charged with inciting to riot. he is the lowest of the low. and he only appeals to that type of mentality.
    the ones in the protest or either anarchist or people who don’t even know who is the vice president or their representative in the congress or senate.So long they will vote who ever promises the most for the least amount of work

  3. I would ask the same question in the reverse….didn’t Trayvon Martin violate Zimmerman’s civil rights when he jumped him, punched him in the nose and smashed his head against the concrete floor?????

  4. I think Sharpton’s thrilled that Zimmerman got acquitted. This gives him a good excuse to stick his ugly face in front of every tv camera.

  5. MECHAA GEDOILA. How could YWN dignify the sonay yisroel sharpy sharpton by giving him a HAY HEYEDUA; the title “THE” REV. Shame

  6. The Rev Al should focus his attention on the Blacks murdering Blacks in Chicago every day, rather than on a questionable case where a jury reached a verdict. This was a one time isolated death, not a daily occurance as is the situation in Chicago.

  7. How Al knows that Zimmermann was guilty especially after the jury found him innocent must mean that Al is Sharper than the rest of the country, that he does not believe in the trial by jury, that he has prophetic power or is just a rabble rouser.

    I think the last is the more likely scenario.

  8. This buffoon is about as “reverend” as my cat. Years ago, there was a joke going around: You are in a room with Saddam Hussain, Osama Bin Laden, and Al Sharpton, and you have just two bullets in your revolver.
    Q. What do you do?
    A. Shoot Sharpton twice; make sure he’s dead.

  9. I wish that Sharpton and all the other critics of the jury’s decision would stop using the word “justice” when all they want is REVENGE.

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