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בָּכוֹ תִבְכֶּה בַּלַּיְלָה: המתאבל על ירושלים זוכה ורואה בשמחתה


3 Responses

  1. Let us all work tirelessly to achieve achdus. First of all on ourselves. We can if we try hard bring on the. Moshiach

  2. We must start teaching our children to love, empathise, worry about every human being, Yid and Non-Yid.
    We must remember that it’s HKB”H who keeps on constantly creating every single person, and He gives them a mother as He sees fit, a Yiddishe or a Non-Yiddishe. Hashem creates all humans with wonders.
    Then we can hope that Hashem should never again instigate any pogroms or holocaust against us.

  3. To No.2 : the mitzvah is: ואהבת לריעך כמוך
    If you wish to eschew other religion’s beliefs,
    please feel free to do so. but don’t confuse it with Yiddishkeit

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