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VIDEO: Smash Your iPhone – Segula To Have Children


Want to know the latest Segula to have children? “Smash your iPhone With Rav Lior Glazar”.

This never-before heard of Segulah was perfomed in Bnei Brak last week, after the weekly Shiur given by Rabbi Glazar in his Bais Medrash “Me’ein Hasholom” on Rechov Abarbanel in Bnei Brak.

As you can see in the video, the “Segula” begins with the reciting of various Tefillos, which include “Shema Yisroel” as well as “Hashem Hu Hoelokim”. The Rabbi then begins singing a song while the person looking for the Segula takes a hammer and smashes his iPhone. The Rov then takes the hammer and gives the device a few finishing blows – to ensure that this Segulah will fully work.

YWN was unable to verify if this video was taken using an iphone or a Droid.

Click HERE to watch this video on a mobile device.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. This is too ridiculous to be a joke, though it should be a spoof. Is this what we’ve become, a spoof of yiddishkeit?

  2. Without getting involved in the iPhone issue and the same about the internet but this guy on the clip is an experienced actor

  3. I know some of you are smirking, but… that yungerman seen smashing the phone – who had no children the first 4 years of marriage – his wife became PREGNANT THAT MONTH after this video was taken!

  4. Firstly for the segula to work the “Rav” performing the ceremony has to wear a gartel and secondly is he mechuyav to shave first or is that optional? No wonder genuine ehrlich bnei Torah are looked at as freaks when total and utter nonsense like this is propagated in the name of Torah Judaism and none of our leaders raise a voice in opposition.

  5. I KNOW the moderators are not going to put this in
    but someone hopefully with a brain will read this
    and start thinking how can we (YWN) stoop so low to put in
    this article that has absolutely no news value and will only cause machklokes and loshon harah, Will we do anything for money even on Erev tisha b’Av?

  6. My wife and I have been struggling for some time now. Will the segulah work the same for a blackberry or should I go out and buy an iPhone?

  7. Just imagine what would happen if he would of smashed a Galaxy s4 he would of had twins the Ipad (not mini) he would of have triplets because the larger the screen the greater the segula so I would advise caution before smashing your computer consult with your wife and rav first

  8. @UJM

    Sorry liar! The video was posted to youtube today, and the article says it took place last week… either way, you made up details! Please do not post false info!!!

  9. I would like to point out that its not about an iphone being smashed! Its about someone who had and was using a device already, which has the potential of being destructive, and our Gedolim/Da’as Torah suggest to us that we not buy one in the first place (due its potential destructiveness), and he publicly went and destroyed it, hopefully influencing others to rid themselves of potentially destructive devices that they don’t necessarily NEED, and bringing a “Nachas Ruach” to Hashem, as a zechus to have a child…

  10. 1. Is this segulah only for iPhones?
    2. Even though I’m single, could I still have a family if I smash my iPhone?
    3. Are there any halachos about how to properly smash the phone?
    4. What if I have to throw the phone down more than one time? Is that a bad simin?

  11. if only woman knew how men’s minds think , not a single man or child would have unfiltered internet, guarenteed.

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