MQG: Ya/alon Lacks the Authority to Cancel Draft Orders for Chareidim

idffMovement for Quality Government chairman attorney Eliad Shraga has called on Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon to abandon plans to possibly excuse thousands of talmidim born in 1994-1995 from the draft in light of the new draft law. Ya’alon last week signaled he is contemplating such a possibility in light of the August 2013 draft, which is expected to affect some 3,000 chareidim.

The MQG feels the defense minister lacks the authority for such a move, to release thousands of eligible soldiers from the draft, and Shraga announced if Ya’alon does excuse them from military service; the organization will appeal to the High Court of Justice.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. At most it would take a simple act of the kenesset. They could easily allow persons with religious or moral objections to military service to be exempted (perhaps with a ban on receiving government funding, or attending university in Israel — to prevent its exploitation by the many hilonim who opposed the army). They could abolish conscription for everyone (something the IDF seems to be moving towards, note their plan to reduce the size of the army which the generals consider to be bloated).

    Bennett is the key person. If he says round up the yeshiva students to throw them in prison, they get rounded up. If he says otherwise, it won’t happen.

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