3-Year-Old Adele Finally Gets a Shabbos at Home

adelThree-year-old Adele Chaya bas Adva injured in March 2013 in a car accident in which the family vehicle slammed into the rear of a parked truck near Ariel in Shomron. The cause of the accident was Arabs who hurled rocks on the road, resulting in Adele’s mom to lose control and veer into the rear of the parked vehicle.

Gravely injured, doctors at Schneider Children’s Hospital in Petach Tikvah worked to save her life. In June 2013 Adele, who had the name Chaya added, was released from the hospital to begin the long road of rehabilitation.

This Shabbos Chazon 5773, doctors felt that her progress was such that Adelee Chaya could be released to her home for the first time in over four months. The family rejoiced to have her home in Yishuv Yakir in Shomron for Shabbos, but they are pained by the realization that despite her significant progress, she still does not speak, does not express herself or interact with her surroundings. Doctors explain the rehab process if slow and difficult.

The tzibur is urged to continue being mispallel for Adele Chaya bas Adva among all of the ill of Am Yisrael.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Mods I don’t get what’s going on it’s been 3 months and I haven’t been allowed or able to write anything on the coffee room only on regular news sothats y I’m writing here hopefully a mod will see and please tell me what’s going on either by email r something I wld like to understand this thanks you!

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