Two Chareidim Charged for Assaulting Police in Meah Shearim

caTwo chareidim were charged with assault against police among other charges for their alleged participation in the attack in Meah Shearim last week.

The indictments were filed on erev Shabbos Chazon 5773 in the Jerusalem Magistrate Court against Yosef Brown (21) and Yaakov Krashevsky (22), both suspected to taking part in the assault against police while the latter were trying to extricate a chareidi IDF soldier who was under attack. Police requested the suspects remain behind bars without bail, but the court released them to house arrest.

The prosecutor appealed to the Jerusalem District Court, which ordered their remand until Monday, 8 Menachem Av 5773.

The prosecution told police that Brown hurled bottles and rocks at police and then tried to flee after taken into custody. Krashevsky is alleged to have thrown glass bottles, rocks and metallic objects at police. The two deny the allegations against them.

Post Chadashot adds that video footage shows police acting “brutally” towards the two.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. This is straight out Lashon Harah and 2 days before Tisha Baav. Kol Hakavod! Yeshiva World has done it again

  2. 99% of the time any man who passes by at that time gets brutally attacked by the police and then charged with assault against police. Typical Israeli police for those who don’t get it yet. This is what happened last week. The judges don’t want to release him because “what will the media say?” Seriously, this is their excuse for keeping them.

  3. Forget convicted, the police thugs are liable to grab any two innocent people in their vengeance of hitting Chareidim.

  4. opps, my heart bleeds for the soldier who was attacked, not the people in the crowed hurt while the police had to extract them.

  5. Itt’s time for collective punishment in Meah Shearim. The stoning of Nachal Hareidi soldiers cannot go unanswered. These two guys should get ten years jail unless the real culprits are identified. It’s not a free for all.

  6. Reply to #8

    Not like the Nazis, like the government of EY who bulldoze or blow up the homes of terrorists even though the families may not have been involved. The same deterrent effect would work here. Destroy the homes of any of these thugs who attack the brave IDF soldiers who also happen to be frum. Obviously, the family and other residents would be given a few hours to collect some of their valuables and other stuff and evacuate before the demolition begins.

  7. #10: The zionist government of Israel is eerily similar to the group I mentioned in comment #9, whom they were allied with during the war, pre-statehood.

  8. i dont know if the picture in the article is from this case, but why are they covering their faces? they acted within the moral confines of what they think is just. in reality they happen to be disturbed individuals with a twisted conception of right and wrong and i am glad i dont need to see their faces.

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