Seret-Vishnitz Working to Bring Boris Back

seretThe Romanian janitor of the Seret-Vishnitz community was learned to be a Jew, as was reported by YWN-ISRAEL.

Since that time Boris began wearing a yarmulke and tzitzis. About ten days ago, immigration authority agents arrived in Haifa and apprehended Boris, who has since been deported.

Gabboim are maintaining contact with him in Romania and hope to have him return for good under the Law of Return now that he can trace his Jewish roots.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. The tziyonim are more keen in bringing Russian goyim with a paternal Jewish grandfather to Israel under the Law of Return than bringing a real Jew with a maternal Jewish lineage back.

  2. “The Romanian janitor of the Seret-Vishnitz community was LEARNED to be a Jew”???

    What does that even mean?

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