Lapid: Chareidim Who Do Not Report For Service In August Will Be Jailed

idffSpeaking with Channel 10 News on motzei Shabbos Chazon 5773, Minister of Finance Yair Lapid stated chareidim who do not report for service in the August 2013 IDF draft will be sent to prison.

“They will enlist for if they don’t the checks will stop. Anyone not reporting to Bakum (induction center) will be arrested and jailed. Why should my children have to serve while they don’t” he added”.

In recent days Lapid stated that 3,000 chareidim are being drafted this summer and they will have to serve.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

20 Responses

  1. It should be noted that the LIkud (e.g. the Defense Minister) and the Bayit Yehudi (“religious” zionists) have NOT committed themselves to this. The IDF is more concerned with defending the country against the Arabs rather than engaging in the war to convince the Hareidim to “go modern” (at least those parts of the IDF concerned with fighting wars – the head of the manpower branch is apparently indifferent to the Arabs but very concerned about the Hareidi threat to Israeli society). Hareidim are by most estimates in the at least 10% of the Jewish population, and to alienate that large a community would have severe implications, which many Israeli nationalists wish to avoid.

    But if not, now would be a very good time to short Israeli securities.

  2. To Finance Minister Yair Lapid (who has no authority or jurisdiction over arrests) I would ask, “why do everyone have to go to school to get their PhD when you don’t?”… This lying hypocrite is the real Amalek.

  3. Lapid and his foaming mouth is at large. He is angered by the voices (Yaalon, Bennet, Shelly of Labor) that disagree with him..

  4. Chances are that his children are “serving” as “brave, courageous” IDF journalists in some army base, “risking their lives for the sake of their country”, just like he did himself.

    Would he allow the chareidim to “serve” as journalists?
    I highly doubt it.

  5. I think they will need very large prisons. I have a solution, release a few thousand Pally’s so we can accomodate the Chareidim.

  6. Following this story for a long time and reading this particular article three times I personally conclude that the decision is proper to go ahead with the jailing. The residents of Israel know the direction that will be followed in the coming months and years (whether we agree with it or not, I do not agree with it). People who don’t wish to follow the rules are welcome to leave.

  7. #8 is there a reason you had to read this seven line article 3 times?? which is the difficult part to comprehend exactly

  8. #11: The TAL LAW providing exemptions to Bnei Torah was overturned by the Israeli Supreme Court, so there is legally no more exemption currently for ANYONE in Yeshiva.

  9. #8
    You’re up for a lot off aggravation with our (stubborn) community,
    1) if someone is to leave it’s they lapid&co. because the frum community were there before those atheist decided to destroy the holy yishuv and instead transform the Jewish nation to act and live like the French, English and Chinese!
    2) Do you know there’s a UN in the world? an international court?
    3) And there’s a big voting bloc in USA that can and will put pressure on their senators and congress representative and stop American money!
    SO prepare yourself there’s going to be lots of action

  10. Is Lapid Harasha the Prime Minister that can make such statements? Does he have that much power already?

    What about Israeli Arabs? Why should charedim have to serve while they don’t?

    What about the thousands of chiloni draft dodgers as was in the news last week? Why should charedim have to serve while they don’t?

  11. Lapid speaks and acts as if he is the Prime Minister of Israel. His party received less than 15% of the votes in January’s election. In a true democracy he would be a marginal figure, somewhat like Ross Perot. The inane system of proportional representation and coalition governments results in such individuals wielding inordinate power. With that power should come some maturity and responsibility. But Lapid doesn’t care. He just wants to throw some red meat to his party base. If it means tearing the nation to shreads and sparking civil war – so be it.

  12. lbj, Yes. I am trying to figure out why many have a hard understanding order. None of it is difficult to comprehend as it makes sense; serve for your government, otherwise lose your welfare benefits. Thank you for your concern lbj.

  13. galicianer, from a purely comical perspective I appreciate the good humor. From a realistic perspective, I was living in NY in 2000, and at least Florida went from the candidate that I wished to be President as opposed to NY and NJ voting liberally. I value the traditional marriage in my state. Going back to Satmar841, I’m sure we both know the tricks of the UN and the international court and how much they ‘admire’ Jews and Israel.

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