VIDEO: Sharpton: ‘Slap in the Face to Those Who Believe in Justice in This Country’


“Well, I think that this is an atrocity,” said Sharpton. “I think that it is probably one of the worst situations that I’ve seen. What this jury has done is establish a precedent that when you are young and fit a certain profile, you can be committing no crime, just bringing some Skittles and iced tea home to your brother, and be killed and someone can claim self-defense having been exposed with all kinds of lies, all kinds of inconsistencies. … Even at trial when he is exposed over and over again as a liar, he is acquitted. This is a sad day in the country. I think that we clearly must move on to the next step in terms of the federal government and in terms of the civil courts. Clearly, we want people to be disciplined, strategic. But this is a slap in the face to those that believe in justice in this country.”

Click HERE to watch this video on a mobile device.

(Source: Weekly Standard)

9 Responses

  1. Sharpton, why not shut your face already. There never was a case here which is why the DA didnt pursue it till you stuck you stuck your ugly face where it dont belong. Once again, you look like an idiot. Thats the best part of the verdict!

    How about paying attention to the well over 200 murders in Chicago so far this year or is it different when a brother does the crime???

  2. The only atrocity is that Sharpton was never charged with incitement to riot in Crown Heights and is responsible for the death of Y. Rosenbaum. Don’t worry Al your Judgment day is coming!

  3. Of any body belongs in jails is AL. the doj created this case from nothing. Also al does nothing good; he should go the Chicago but he is scared

  4. This pathetic excuse for a human being should be happy that justice in the U.S. is out of whack, otherwise he would be in jail.

    In this case, dispite Obama’s Administration interfering in the case, Prosecutors withholding evidence, media attempts to portray a thug as a cute little boy and threats to riot and loot, justice was served. The facts were pretty clear, the rhetoric though, was horrendous. It’s amazing that the Government continues to get away with inciting race warfare.

  5. And if every single Jew was thrown into prison Sharpton would probably praise the US Justice System. Imprison those that are guilty, free those whom are not. Doesn’t matter whether the individual is white, black, Jewish, or Catholic.

  6. I’m sure that when OJ got off, Sharpton didn’t complain that there’s no justice here. He’s just a foolish clown of a hypocrite.

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