Schumer Recommends NYPD Commish For Fed Post

kellynSenator Charles Schumer has recommended New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly to lead the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Current head Janet Napolitano said Friday she was resigning to take a job as president of the University of California system.

Schumer, a New York Democrat, says she’s done a great job in an important post.

Schumer says the leader should be someone who knows law enforcement, understands anti-terrorism efforts and is a top-notch administrator.

He says Kelly excels at all three.

The police commissioner previously led U.S. Customs and Border patrol under Clinton.

On Friday he praised Napolitano’s record and didn’t comment on the future. He has repeatedly said he is focusing on his current job.


One Response

  1. I’d be shocked if he got the job. Obama doesn’t hire competent qualified people, just stooges and he has more than three of them.

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