Daf Yomi Chaburos Reserving Siyum Hashas Tickets By The Thousands

The first phase of ticket sales for the 13 th Global Siyum HaShas of Daf Yomi is in full swing, and a substantial swath of the 90,000 seats in the stadium have already been reserved.

Just a few short weeks ago tickets were placed on sale for members of Daf Yomi shiurim. Each group was designated a unique code to use to purchase their tickets. Group members who use the same code will be seated near each other, in each seating level, at The Siyum.

Organizers of The Siyum relate that the response has been overwhelming. “I’ve been involved in The Siyum since the 1980s,” relates Rabbi Labish Becker, Executive Director of Agudath Israel of America, “and I have never seen anything close to this – thousands of seats going per day.”

The Siyum is less than five months away – it will iy”H be held on 4 Teves (January 1 st ) – and anticipation is intense. While the previous Siyum HaShas made history by being held in the largest arena on the east coast, the upcoming Siyum will significantly eclipse even that, be”H.

Due to enhanced seating configurations, even more yidden will be accommodated in the stadium, and they will once again be coming from all over the world. And The Siyum program – which has not yet been made public – will be at a whole new level.

“Simply put, more yidden are learning The Daf than ever before and more yidden feel part and parcel of The Siyum,” says Shmuli Rosenberg, Chief Marketing Officer of The Siyum. “There is an excitement, all the more so for the lomdei haDaf, just as one has for a major personal simchah.”

The Agudah stresses that members of shiurim would be wise to reserve their group seating before August 19 th , when seating reservations are opened to the general public. If one is part of a chaburah or shiur that has not been given a group code, they are urged to promptly contact The Siyum office to arrange to be given one.

Once seating reservations are opened to the public – on a first come, first serve basis – group seating may no longer be available and there is no telling for how long seats will remain available at all. “We once again extend our invitation to the bnei hachaburos,” says Rabbi Becker. “We look forward to having you as part of the greatest kiddush Hashem in contemporary history.”

If you already have a group code, please reserve seats promptly at thesiyum.org or by calling 1-877- SIYUM-13. For more information about adding a new shiur or chaburah, please email [email protected] or call 1-877-SIYUM-13. For general questions about the Siyum HaShas, please email [email protected].

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