Bill to Release Jewish Prisoners Rejected in Knesset

jail3A Jewish prisoner release bill brought to Knesset by MK (Shas) David Azoulai was voted down on Wednesday, 3 Menachem Av 5773. Supporters of the bill called for the release of Jews in prison for murder, referring to them as “nationalistic prisoners”, with one bereaved fathers holding up signs “release my son, not my son’s murderer”.

Azoulai feels that as Israel prepares for another good-will prisoner release, it is time to turn to the Jewish prisoners and address their plight. The Shas MK feels that either no prisoners should be released, or if Arabs are released the same should apply for the Jews. Azoulai rejects the release of murderers under the guise of “good-will” for these prisoner releases do not advance peace or serve any strategic Israeli interests.

In short, the bill aimed at arriving at a balance, compelling the release of Jews along with so-called good-will release of Arab terrorists. To the surprise of many, Bayit Yehudi MKs opposed the bill.

The daily Maariv reports on Thursday, 4 Menachem Av that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu agreed to the release of 40 terrorists ahead of renewed talks with the PA (Palestinian Authority) as a good-will measure. It appears these terrorists will be released during Ramadan if PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) signals a willingness to resume negotiations with Israel.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. “Release my son, not my son’s murderer”.

    This is obviously an incorrect translation of the sign, since it is utterly incomprehensible. Who, if indeed anyone does, edits these incomprehensible news articles?

  2. These Jews that are imprisoned were indicted in most cases for self defense. If ‘blood on their hands’ prisoners are being released it is time to let our brothers free.

  3. Azoulai was both wrong and foolish

    a)Wrong to link the two

    b)Foolish because,if he wanted the sentences reduced, he should have had Meretz,media and the left promote it ,and then it
    probably would gained traction

  4. To No. 4

    If you read the more detailed coverage of this issue in the Israeli media, you would know that one or two of these convicted murderers claimed self defense but their arguments were found to be untrue. The others are mamash murderers. In either case, they are lucky that EY does not have capital punishment. They can rot in jail for the rest of their lives for taking another life.

  5. “Bayit Yehudi MKs opposed the bill” the true colors of Bayit Yehudi. Anyone still living in a bubble with Bennett’s fantasies? Just like his friend Lapid, anything Jewish is out.

    Zionists can win the medal for being the biggest Jewish racists in the world.

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