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Dati Leumi Yeshivos on the Verge of Closing Down

hesder4.jpgHeads of dati leumi yeshivot report that Finance Minister Yair Lapid has cut the operating budget of their mosdos significantly and a growing number of the Zionist yeshivos are collapsing under the fiscal strain. Instead of paying 700 NIS per student and 900 NIS per avreich, the national government is now paying 270 NIS per student and 360 NIS per avreich. Directors of these yeshivos are fighting the new reality, which they warn will lead to many yeshivos closing chas v’sholom.

Today, there are about 3,000 talmidim attending some 30 dati leumi yeshivot gedolot. 900 of these students receive a lower budget, similar to that of chareidim as their yeshivot do not encourage IDF service. The remainder is in yeshivot that encourage entering the IDF and their operating budgets are higher.

The Zionist yeshivos received 28 million NIS in 2012. In 2013, that number was reduced to 18 million NIS and in 2014, the budget is being cut to 12 million NIS. Being hit especially hard is Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva, which will lose close to 4 million NIS over two years. Shavei Chevron will lose 2.25 million NIS and Machon Meir will lose 1.5 million NIS.

All eyes are focused on Bayit Yehudi leader Minister Naftali Bennett, who is in China on an official visit. It appears that four Bayit Yehudi MKs who are not ministers or deputy ministers will be voting against the budget due to the drastic cuts in yeshiva funding. The four are Moti Yogev, Orit Struk, Zevulun Kalfa and Yoni Chetboun.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. the lapig is showing his true colors; not that he wants to only draft charedi he wants to destroy the who Torah world. A word to the idiot; IT WON’T HAPPEN BECAUSE THERE IS HASHEM IN THE WORLD. I don’t know what you ever did to be a rosha of this generation

  2. As it says in Pirke Avos (which was written by a bunch of Hareidim, a long time ago), one should get to close to or rely on the government, since they have their own agenda and it isn’t your’s. The Dati Leumi rely on the state, and love the state – but the state doesn’t love them – in fact most Israelis regard all orthodox Jews, regardless of type of kipah, as a pain in the you know what. Note that in the current crisis, the yeshivos in the best position are the “fanatic” hareidi ones that consistently refused government money.

  3. Well, the mean gremlin has struck again! The hysterical headline is totally misleading and does not even reflect the content of the news bulletin. Furthermore, I checked a variety of other Jewish/israeli news websites and nowhere is such a dire prediction mentioned. is it in YWN’s fantasy world? Please don’t editorialize when reporting news, you are no better than the NY TIMES!

  4. akuperma-As far as I know Pirkei Avos (Avot ?) was not written by chareidim a long time ago. In fact all of the picture books on Pirkei Avos I have seen have Chazal wearing turbans. Perhaps it’s bec. they are hiding the Kiput Srugot underneath them.

  5. Just ask how many of them were trying to get good government jobs, patronage, right to serve in the legions – NONE, ZILCH, NADA. They wanted an autonomous community run by bunches of fanatic rabbis. None of this “let’s be modern” stuff.

    There were people around who were modern. Like Bennett and Lapid. Misyavanim. They took a leading role in helping the Greeks and later the Romans to fight the frummies. Most of them probably ended up converting, and there’s a lot of influence that a big chunk of the Palestinian’s DNA comes from them.

  6. akuperma pirkeo avot was not written by Haredim, since Haredi Judaism is a recent development in Jewish history. It’s like saying it was written by chassidim, when chassidus only started in the 18th century.

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