Poll: Spitzer Quickly Gains Upper Hand In NYC Race

Elliot Spitzer, Silda SpitzerThe first poll taken since Eliot Spitzer leaped into the New York City comptroller’s race shows the ex-governor gaining a quick advantage over fellow Democrat Scott Stringer.

The Wall Street Journal-NBC 4 New York-Marist poll shows registered Democrats favoring Spitzer over Stringer by 42 percent to 33 percent. That includes voters who are undecided but leaning toward a candidate.

Spitzer resigned amid a scandal in 2008. Stringer is Manhattan’s borough president.

Spitzer launched his campaign Monday. The poll surveyed 546 Democrats Monday and Tuesday. Those results have a margin of error of 4.2 percentage points.

Spitzer says he’s gratified by the numbers but won’t base his approach on polls.

Stringer campaign manager Sascha Owen expresses confidence that Stringer will prevail as more voters get to know him.


2 Responses

  1. He did Tshuva with all the embarassment. Dovid did Tshuva when he took Bat Sheva by killing Iriyohu Hacheety,. Hashem forgave him.

  2. What is “Iriyohu”? Do you mean “Uriah” HaChitti?

    I don’t know what your post meant, but I would leave out the holy Dovid HaMelech from any comparison to this man and his past deeds.

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