Amsellem Calls for Strong Condemnation of Attack in Meah Shearim – Soldier’s Mom Speaks

amsnRabbi Chaim Amsellem spoke with Israel Radio on Wednesday, 3 Menachem Av 5773, calling on chareidi political parties and rabbonim alike to strongly condemn the attack against a chareidi soldier.

Amsellem, whose Am Shalem party failed to enter the 19th Knesset, called on the leaders of the frum community to come out in a united voice to condemn this “horrific act”.

He warns that if rabbonim do not speak out now as they should, what is now the action of extremists in Meah Shearim will chas v’sholom be viewed as acceptable and we may begin seeing such unacceptable actions in other religious areas.

“This cannot be another Shas silence of the lambs” he exclaimed, calling on all frum community leaders to speak out to condemn the act which is “despicable”.

Ynet quotes the soldier’s mother expressing her disgust, adding the people responsible for attacking her son “Should rot in prison”.

She is quoted telling Walla News “I am ashamed that such an act can occur among my people in my country. My son is a simple young man, a good boy. He is not provocative. People don’t understand that is his second home and that is why he came in uniform. He goes there to learn Torah with his uncle, not to cause a stir.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. I care what a ben adom has to say, Chachom.

    A frum soldier goes to learn Torah with his uncle and gets attacked by some crazed clan of anti-Torah idiots!!! and all you have to say is Amsallem HaRasha, quite misdirected I would say!!!

  2. Experience has shown that some of these attacks were actually setups to give the politicians and the media an opportunity to get excited. It’s hard to know what happened in this case, but there’s room to suspect that it’s not as simple as it sounds. I’m not defending attacks. Do these same politicians and media speak up as loudly when frum people get attacked?

  3. #5 And experience has shown that in the Charedi neighborhoods that ‘set-up’ never happens? So what is your next excuse?

    Do these same politicians and media speak up as loudly when frum people get attacked? – THIS YOUNG MAN IS FRUM..

  4. Chacham, interestingly enough, your name is nothing like what you are. HaRav Amsalem is a big Talmid Chacham and the leader if an entire community in his own right. So HaRav Ovadia was told things against him and spoke out without meeting him to discuss – that’s for them to work out. Who are you to stick your head in?

  5. #1 Use your head and stop the name calling. The man makes sense. It appears that you cannot respond to his most basic point in a normative logical fashion and therefore you resort to name calling and mudslinging. A true Chacham recognizes emes.

  6. Lets read these comments & see the flowering of Torah, Ahavas Yisroel & achdus that the Haredi world produces – hard to understand why the Beis HaMikdash isn’t built!

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