Dayanim in Support of Rav Eliezer Igra

igraDayanim who support Rabbi Eliezer Igra’s candidacy in the Chief Rabbinate race have sent a letter to the 150 members of the voting body. “There is no great distortion than to appoint a man who has not served in dayanus for many years, and he is responsible for weddings and his signature appears on many kesuvos as he is responsible for keddushin, gittin, and all that revolves around Jewish family life” the rabbonim write.

Dayan Rav Avraham Yitzchak Kalev (Av Beis Din, Yerushalayim), Dayan Rav Mordechai Oriyah (Av Beis Din, Haifa), and Dayan Rav Yeazer Ariel (a dayan in Tzfas) signed the letter, calling upon them to support Rav Igra. They explain that his vast experience as a dayan is critical as the chief rabbis serves on the Rabbinical Supreme Court. They explain that Rav Igra has served as a community rav, dayan, replacement dayan on the Rabbinical Supreme Court, as well as the rav of Kfar HaRoeh for decades. He is proficient in all of Shulchan Aruch as well as the mitzvos tluyos b’aretz.

They add the rabbi’s personality traits and pleasant way just add to his qualification for the post, ending by stating that anyone who is voting L’Shem Shomayim and is interested in being MeKadesh Shem Shomayim, and wishes to restore the Chief Rabbinate to its glory, to magnify Hashem’s name in Israel and throughout the world, acting in line with Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook ZT”L, will have to select the expert and the elite among the candidates.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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