Most Israelis No Longer View Turkey as a Viable Vacation Option

turkey.jpgWhile there was a mending of relations between Israel and Turkey, 85% of Israelis asked said they no longer view Turkey as a viable vacation option. This is despite the fact that before the falling out between the countries, Turkey was among the most popular vacation destinations for vacationing Israelis.

The breakdown in relations between the countries was the result of the May 2010 Mavi Marmara affair. The ship intended to break Israel’s marine embargo on Hamas-controlled Gaza under the guise of being a humanitarian ship. The vessel defied Israeli warnings and headed for Gaza. The ship was intercepted by the navy and Shayetet 13 commandos boarded the vessel, only to fall prey to attackers on board.

Magar Mochot polled 650 Israeli adults and 85% responded that Turkey is off their list of possible vacation venues. 28% of the respondents do not believe relations between the countries will improve significantly in the coming years for as long as Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan remains in office.

42% feel relations will remain unchanged and 30% expect an improvement. 71% of the respondents do not feel the apology to Turkey by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was unjustified since Israel acted properly in the Marvi Marmara incident. 29% felt the apology was in order towards ending the diplomatic standoff.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. “do not feel the apology to Turkey by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was unjustified”
    …someone tangled himself in a double-negative…

  2. Depends on one’s interests. If you are a baseball fan, are this time of year, you probably want good seats at Yankee Stadium or Camden Yards or even Wrigley Field (depending on who is playing). If you are a fan of revolutions and civil wars, there’s no better place to be right now other than Turkey (well, okay, Egypt and Syria are better this week, but Turkey has better accomodations for watching civil disorders).

  3. #3,corny but I’m LOL.
    Actually Although Turkey is a very beautiful country,I don’t feel that it is viable for anyone, Israeli or other foreigners. It is on the brink of an Arab Spring.(read ISLAM SPRING as its not an arab country) Although it is an American ally and part of NATO, (i think) it is so ridden with internal strife that its ready to explode. I myslf would rather watch the xplosion from a distance.

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