Lapid Blames the Chareidi Media of Incitement

lapidFinance Minister Yair Lapid blamed the chareidi media of incitement in his interview on Kol Berama Radio in which he commented on the cancellation of a scheduled appearance by Education Minister Shai Piron.

Piron, a member of Lapid’s Yesh Atid Party was to have been a guest speaker at a graduation exercise for chareidi students in the Ono College chareidi campus in Jerusalem. Students protested his scheduled appearance, citing the minister who works to uproot Torah is unwelcome at their graduation. Many planned boycotting the event while some were willing to attend, but signaled they would walk out when Piron spoke. Piron was compelled to cancel his appearance rather than face the embarrassing situation.

Lapid told Kol Berama “I don’t hate any Jew in the world”, continuing by pointing an accusing finger at the chareidi media. He feels the chareidi media’s constant attacks against Piron left an imprint in the minds of students, who acted in line with the reports they hear in that media. “These young people hear and read all of this incitement constantly” and he feels this is what led to the boycott of Piron.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Incitement in Israel is the same as “Sedition” in America.
    It means saying bad things about the government, that while true, cause people not to support the government. In Israel, it is a crime. In America, for the last 200+ years, it is a civil right.

  2. If this man wasn’t so sad, he would be funny. For someone who “doesn’t hate any jew”, he sure has a funny way of showing it!

  3. and the israeli secular media doesnt incite chilonim to hate the chareidim?? that is their whole agenda and this guy was part of that secular media!

    this guy is a two-faced fool!

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