Obama To Outline Second-Term Plan For ‘Smarter’ Government

ObamaLaughingPresident Barack Obama will describe on Monday his second-term plan for “smarter government” by using technology and data to deliver services faster and save taxpayers money, the White House said.

Obama will meet privately with his cabinet on Monday morning about the plan and then make public remarks at 11:50AM.

The White House said the plan would build on progress made so far in opening up government data to entrepreneurs and in modernizing government services.

In Obama’s first term, the effort helped the administration reduce technology costs by more than $2.5 billion, the White House said.


5 Responses

  1. He is meeting with his cabinet? That’s the SECOND time in 2013 that he’s doing that.

    He keeps campaigning and campaigning and campaigning. This is sheer lunacy, which makes sense as he was elected BY lunatics.

    Smarter govt? Here’s a grand idea for you. RESIGN IN DISGRACE NOW!! And take all your socialist commie crook buddies with you.

  2. The more they us technology, the more they can check up on us. soon they will have electronic toilet flushers to see if you are using too much water. Obama should run for pres in Russia or China – not here.

  3. Typical liberal. Everything is done on a whim. A little bit of this and a little bit of that. No principles and no SEICHEL.

  4. Computerization makes it faster, not smarter. If you are doing something stupid, computers let you be even more stupid than before, and everyone knows about sooner. If he is confusing intelligence with technology, we may be in a lot more trouble than we realized.

  5. Commenters 1 – 4 were convinced in November 2008 that the foreign-born communist socialist Muslim who won the election (because of media support and trickeration) would ruin America so thoroughly that he could not possibly be re-elected. And here we are, 4+ years later, he’s re-elected, and America is still standing (though admittedly not thriving). So when are you guys going to realize that your understanding of the world is so faulty? When are you going to realize that the biggest impediment to an improved American economy is for the House Republicans to abandon their obstructionist and misguided economic policies and get out of the way of a progressive President? Maybe after the Republican defeat in 2016 you will begin to realize that you do not understand how the world works.

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