Spitzer Sees No Comparison To Weiner Other Than Seeking Forgiveness

spitzer.jpgIf there’s one comparison between Eliot Spitzer and Anthony Weiner, other than their Jewish faith, it is their deep belief that New Yorkers are a forgiving people. “I have not done one stitch of polling. I have none other than the experience and data of walking down the street. After 5 years, the public might be willing to give me a second chance,” Mr. Spitzer told the NY Times.

“I will continue to ask the public’s forgiveness and simultaneously ask for another opportunity to serve. I think the five years have been important to me. I have done many and different things. I think they have been useful. I have tried to do things in the public interest,” he added.

Nonetheless, the former governor is not interested in comparing himself to Anthony Weiner, the current Frontrunner in the race for mayor of New York City. In an interview with DNAinfo New York, Mr. Spitzer said Weiner’s campaign was a factor in his calculations only as he “examined in great detail” the political field in the context of “the entire tableau in the political life that’s going on out there.”

“I don’t see any parallels between that race and this one, any candidate there and here,” Mr. Spitzer told the NY Observer. “Each race is different. Each candidate is different. And I am looking forward to making my case to the public.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

2 Responses

  1. At least Spitzer was discrete about his inappropriate relationship and it was an issue between himself and his wife (who has since forgiven his indiscretions). Weiner’s online Twitters and other “stuff” was visibile to millions and at least to me was beyond wierd. I think they are both very smart but I’m more comfortable with Spitzer than Weiner.

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