EXPOSED: CNN’s Now Ex-Photo Editor Was A VICIOUS Anti-Semite, Called Terror Victims “JEWISH PIGS”

“This is CNN. The most trusted name is news.”

A photo editor for CNN resigned on Thursday night after vile, anti-Semitic statements that he tweeted prior to landing a gig at CNN resurfaced.

The now-former CNN employee, identified as Mohammed Elshamy, referred to victims killed in a terror attack as “Jewish pigs” on at least one occasion that was unearthed by political strategist Arthur Schwartz.

NewsBusters’ Nicholas Fondacaro slammed CNN for hiring Elshamy in the first place.

“For all of CNN’s suggestions that President Trump was a racist and anti-Semite, they sure don’t seem to catch those tendencies of prospective employees during the hiring process,” Fondacaro wrote. “Instead, they have them resign after they’re exposed on social media. It’s especially troubling when the prospective employee had publicly celebrated the deaths of ‘Jewish pigs’ in Jerusalem.”


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

18 Responses

  1. I am sure CNN knew about this when he was fired. The reason CNN “fired” him is because he was exposed. It is a pattern with Democrat Fake News Media like NYT and CNN. I would not be surprised if he was buddy with Ilhan Omar.

  2. This guy was hired in January. He worked at CNN for six months. Its not like he had some high level job and there is no evidence of any inapropriateness or anti Semitism reflected in his work at CNN. As soon as this became public he resigned. Its pathetic how this article tries to rile up emotions and get people mad. CNN has some great Jewish anchors like Jake Tapper who do a wonderful job and have much more of an impact than some six month photo editor.

  3. Moshe In Golus – He wasn’t fired he quit. You are correct is discerning a patern that CNN and NYT force out people that are racist once they become aware of it. This is unlike those who believe that there are good people on both sides as long as they are Republican.

  4. > crazykanoiy
    The article makes it blatantly clear why you are wrong. CNN (and its “friends”) “started” this with its attacks on Trump, and it is important to clearly show to the world that they have no idea how to even spot an anti-Semite that is staring them in the face. It goes straight to (or against) their credibility in even spotting – and certainly as to labelling – a racist and anti-Semite. And in the same way they may even be denying these anti-Semitic and racist tendencies in themselves even when that is staring them in the face. And to state the obvious – how many more of the likes of this guy are working there (but who had enough intelligence not to make public their real selves).

  5. crazy kanoi just because u are a liberal and a leftist doesnt make it ok for Clinton News Network to hire a vicious anti-semite. you should really rethink your political views.

  6. It was uncovered and they got rid of him, how about kudos to CNN for not tolerating people like this. An upside down world.

  7. Crazykanoi,

    You must know how much background checking goes into a hire especially cnn

    The critical words here are that it became public, if it didn’t and only cnn knew (which was probably the case) he would still be on the job

  8. crazykanoiy is always quick to dismiss jew-haters and defend fraudulent Fake News media. It seems to be a pattern with all Trump haters without fail: they all side with our enemies, whether they are Iran or Ilhan Omar.

  9. crazykanoiy, here is another Jew-hater for you to whitewash CNN from:
    “Another CNN personality who was presenting on the CNN Arabic network as recently as last week appears to have expressed a series of antisemitic sentiments on Twitter, even praising Hitler. This follows the recent resignation of a CNN editor, whose past antisemitic statements surfaced Thursday afternoon.” Breitbar News.

  10. To crazykon: You egregiously, flagrantly and erroneously omitted the apostrophe from the first word of your penultimate sentence. Other than that, I think your comment is correct.

  11. koifer kanoiy- Im maskim with Thursday night cholent, u really gotta rethink ur political views and stop siding with the despicable anti-semitic Clinton (fake) News Network

  12. For those who apparently have difficulty comprehending subtle but rather simple points:

    Nobody is defending antisemites. Nobody is defending Mohammed Elshamy who is a terrible antisemite.

    Elshamy worked for a mere six months at CNN. When his antisemitism was exposed he ceased working at CNN. Wow.

    Insinuating that CNN knew about Elshamy’s comments and hired him anyway is baseless and there is absolutely no evidence to back up this accussation. Until such evidence is presented it is just over the top sensationalism.

    Bashing CNN over a six month photo editor and ignoring real antisemitism is in essence turning antisemitism into a mere political tool to be used against political enemies instead of addressing the real issue at hand.

    Cases of defending real antisemitism include defending antisemites marching in Chatlottesville, defending antisemites attacking Julia Ioffee, pretending not to know David Duke and making antisemetic remarks to the RJC.

    Condemning Mohammed Elshamy but pointing out that it hardly implicates CNN is not defending antisemitism.

  13. Crazy – your talking points are so stale and out of touch with the current administration’s relationship with Jews and Israel. You should watch CNN more often – you need to keep up to date on the latest fake news.

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