Litzman on Cabinet Passage of Share the Burden Bill

litzmanMK (Yahadut Hatorah) Yaakov Litzman commented on the cabinet vote in which the Share the Burden Bill was passed on Sunday, 29 Tammuz 5773. “The passage of the bill is a continuation of the shmad government which is determined to destroy Torah in Eretz Yisrael. We are in a period in which the yeshivos are in the front line of those seeking to attack Torah and the uprooters of religion are seeking to undo all that is holy and dear to us but their initiative will not succeed.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. So what will he do about it?

    Offer to ally with the socialists if they agree to end conscription. The price would be to give up most of the settlement, and accept a secular civil society in return for official recognition of hareidim communal authonomy.

    Threaten to join the Eidah Hareidis in opposing the Medinah. Refuse to accept government money. Encourage frum soldiers to disobey orders – and encourage organized mass resistance to conscription. Offer to negotiate with the Muslims to support a single non-zionist state in Eretz Yisrael (the zionists shot the last frum politician who tried that).

    Form an alliance with the other Hareidi party, which since it is larger, would mean Aryeh Deri would be the boss.

    Perhaps whine a lot and say Tehillin. Ha-Shem will help, on that we can count — it’s the frum politicians we need to worry about.

  2. #1 Wrote “Perhaps whine a lot and say Tehillin. Ha-Shem will help, on that we can count — it’s the frum politicians we need to worry about.”

    Well Said !!!!

  3. #2- 1) an alliance with the socialists would make sense for most Hareidim since in economic matters most Hareidim are very inclined towards welfare state entitlements (indeed, we invented the idea – under our law the kehillah has a duty to support the poor). Given the most Israelis are either non-Jews are people whose families have been non-religious for many generations, it is probably logical to want autonomy rather than attempting to make Israel pretend to be a Jewish country (as the Dati Leumi do).
    2) Peace is always better for war. The little boys pretending to be grownups play at being soldiers is the midah of Esau. Jewish boys pretending to be grown up traditionally played at learning (shackeling from their tatti’s upside down gemara). Economically and socially, the war is devastating even if the bloodshed is minimal(especially in hareidi communities, since if you exclude “hardalim” in the West Bank, there haven’t been many terror attacks direct against hareidim- perhaps since the Arabs realize who runs Eretz Yisrael, and it isn’t us).
    3) Aryeh Deri, unlike other Hareidi politicians, aims for more than getting patronage. That’s why the secular politicians hate him and threw him in jail on trumped up charges (he wasn’t accused of benefiting from the alleged bribe, and the “return” was that he transferred money to support yeshivos – something he didn’t need to be bribed to do). A united hareidi block would have as many seats as Yesh Atid.

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