Joint Chiefs of Staff Shair Says Snowden’s Leaks Have Damaged Relations With Other Countries

dempsThe Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman says NSA leaker Edward Snowden’s disclosures about U.S. surveillance programs have undermined U.S. relationships with other countries and affected what he calls “the importance of trust.”

Gen. Martin Dempsey tells CNN’s “State of the Union” that the U.S. will “work out way back. But it has set us back temporarily.”

Russian officials say Snowden has been stuck in the transit area of a Moscow airport since arriving on a flight from Hong Kong two weeks ago.

Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua have offered asylum.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers tells CNN he “absolutely” thinks that one of the countries will give Snowden travel documents.

He says the U.S. should look at trade agreements with the nations that are offering asylum “to send a very clear message that we won’t put up with this kind of behavior.”


2 Responses

  1. I fail to see how Snowden is responsible for undermining US relations. The breach of trust was caused by the US’s spying on its allies, not by one man’s unveiling of the practice.

  2. Curiosity: Virtually every other country spies on its allies.

    Blazers, even France which has been opening its fat trap and hypocritcally slamming the U.S. has just been exposed as spying on international phone calls and emails.

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