VIOLENCE IN KIKAR SHABBOS: Chareidi Man With “Brass Knuckles” Assaults Protesters; Woman Fights Crowd [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

There have been multiple violent incidents in Kikar Shabbos on Wednesday, as people sitting on buses for hours took matters into their own hands.

In one disturbing incident, a Chareidi man armed with “brass knuckles” assaulted multiple protesters who were blocking Tzefaniya and Yechezkel Streets.

Horrible images were published by Kikar Shabbos News, of protesters with blood on their faces. United Hatzalah treated a few people with facial trauma.

Police were looking for the man.

Meanwhile, in another incident, a woman stuck on a bus got off and began moving a garbage dumpster out of the street to allow the bus to pass. She was immediately called a “Shiksa”, spit on, and the dumpster was pushed back by protesters – including young children (who appear to not have a summer camp to attend).

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As YWN published earlier, the Peleg promised protests on Wednesday afternoon, in response to the arrest of Eliezer Rubin, a Breslov Yeshiva Bochur, who was arrested at Ben-Gurion Airport as he was heading to Uman to be mispallel at the tziyun of Rav Nachman ZT”L.

Rubin is classified as a “draft dodger” because he did not report to a draft office to be categorized as a ‘ben torah’ and thereby receive a draft deferment, as is the policy of followers of Peleg. He is a talmid of an Eida Chareidis affiliated yeshiva.

Around 500 people were protesting on Wednesday night, with police reporting at least three arrested. Police brought horses and other riot gear to try and disperse the crowd.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

26 Responses

  1. I’m sorry to say but there needs to be something more productive to keep these people busy. They have way way too much time on their hands.

  2. I’m surprised such an incident didn’t happen sooner. I think the police need better crowd control methods. Such a thing wouldn’t happen in NYC even with DeBlosio. They would come with 20 police buses 2000 cops and as a protester steps into the street, they’re off to the slammer.

  3. anewuser:

    Where is the ahavas Yisroel of these goons? They are supposed to be in yeshiva learning, and their bitul Torah is a bad enough aveiroh without causing damage to others. They are mazikim, and are undeserving of their freedom. No, violence is abhorrent. So is spitting or other disgraceful things. I have shared before that we can debate whether they have a legitimate cause. We are free to our opinions on that. But this disgusting behavior directed at the innocent public is assur without question, and these protesters should be arrested and kept in jail until after the summer. Provide them with seforim, and let them learn there, where they cannot abandon the gemora to become public menaces.

    I ask the media to report the names of all those arrested so that we have the option to prevent our children marrying these leidig gayers who allow their rage to damage others.

  4. I hope you’re all proud of yourselves–this is what Hashem wants???? Sefiras HaOmer wasn’t so far in the past–I guess we didn’t learn from Rabbe Akiva’s talmidim who disrespected one another. And they go to shul and daven? Who do they go to ask mechila on Rosh Hashanah and yom kippur?? It’s the three weeks, folks–enough tragedies happen during these weeks–don’t add on to them.

  5. So basically 1 guy with brass knuckles bloodies 5 protesters, all we need are 100 people with brass knuckles to clear the street? It’s coming, the public is tired of these buffoons. Fill out the paper and go sit and learn.

  6. What makes him chareidi? A white shirt?
    He’s not even wearing a yarmulka.
    You gotta come up with better nomenclature.
    How about: “Possibly Shomer Shabbos Fellow Who Purchased Brass Knuckles To Impress His Friends Beats Unarmed Yerushalmi” …?

  7. Wow! Not even in mixed martial arts cage matches can brass knuckles be used. Seems sort of violent to me unless all participants are equally equipped.

  8. IT will happen more and more. These people who are supposed to be learning but are not only mevatil Torah but stop people from getting home to their children, going to hospitals, doctors. You try sitting on a bus or a car and not being able to go anywhere and you must. I say yasherkoach to the guy with the brass knuckles. These chevra cause a tremendous chill Hashem and tremendous hatred toward Chareidim. So this bochur is supposed to be learning and he has time to go to Uman???? It’s not Bein Hazmanim here! If I would be the bus driver, I would go! I say arrest them and take them to the army!!

  9. ****let’s not fool ourselves , chazal tell us that a person who raises his hand against his fellow jew is a rasha gamur. Al achat Kama vekama hitting your fellow jew, Raboisai let’s think a bit deeper and not let violent ideas inspire our lives R”L

  10. Chareidim attacking Chareidim??? Who would have imagined?? Perhaps the police should withdraw and just let them resolve the issue on their own.

  11. Oy! HaShem Yishmor.
    The comments in this article can make a religious Jew puke.
    @ the little I know:
    Why do you pick sides. Why are you worried about their learning?
    To stick up for a crazed man who hit multiple yidden with brass nuckels ???
    Are we insane??
    Where are we holding??
    How can someone EVER take that side.
    Maybe you don’t agree to the protest. Ok.
    But to side with a violent maniac?????
    Stand up!
    Klal Yisrael doesn’t do this.
    The protesters don’t do anything to the cops. They protest.
    Unlike the people in NYC.
    You don’t belong on this website.
    You should be utterly ashamed of yourself.
    You watch in glee when there is hate within. You want to see more and more of it. Stick to Omar.
    We have a lot of work to do and only TWO WEEKS left!!!

  12. This is such an ugly horrible scene that will produce no winners. Everybody will lose over this, and I have no idea why people want to bring Midas Hadin into our camps. Nothing gets forgotten from the eyes of Hashem. How can anyone explain this scene to Hashem? How? Nothing good comes from hitting each other-absolutely nothing.
    I am confused if Peleg even has any leadership, because if they do not, where are those that are forcibly demonstrating getting their orders from?
    How I wish that there could be a few brave Tsadikim that can go to Peleg, and verify what is going on behind these very violent demonstrations. If these demonstrations lead to fights among ourselves, and to Chillul Hashem of the highest order, then something terribly wrong is going on here.
    Nowhere is it written that demonstrations have to be done in neighborhoods where men women and children are trying to live. Demonstrations can be taken place in front of the jails and similar places. Why must the homes of innocents turn into a nightmare?
    Things have to change for the better, and may the brave men go forth and change this terrible situation.

  13. Who are these Rioters who are Dressed Like Jews? Jews don’t behave like Slum Hoodlum Gang bangers Shouting a Spitting in Streets. RIOTERS: Please Do NOT Go back to a Bais Medrash to learn our Precious Torah because you Do NOT display the Exemplary Middos of a Ben Torah. You are DISGRACE a Disease a Plague.

  14. Ah yid… point was simple. Where the parties whose lives are disrupted by these demonstrations happen to be Chareidi instead of secular, it may be more effective to let them sort it out among themselves. All too often, the police and first-responders themselves become the targets of attacks, even when they seek to assist the residents of Chareidi neighborhoods.

  15. If you push someone to his limits, he will do something stupid. In America it’s called temporary insanity. Let’s assume you were On a hot and stuffy bus for a minute too long, how would you feel other than helpless? This person wanted to feel empowered and did something, I disagree with his actions but I can definitely see where the protesters deserved it. Enough with this public disturbance it’s theft of every ones time.

  16. At 17 to 18 seconds the first video looks like the one with the beard came into physical contact with the woman? The angle makes it difficult to see whether there was contact or it was an illusion (2-D vision) but the way she turned around at that very moment certainly implies that he did.

  17. Great, so the guy that lost his cool and pulled out brass knuckles because he lost his cool makes the protesters wrong?
    I agree completely with Hymie the Hebrew

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