Egyptian Violence Coming Closer to Israel’s Border

ywnisrael.israelWhile it has been two days since the overthrow of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, the violence that paved the road to ousting him from office continues, and it appears to be increasing.

Islamic gunmen during the night (Thursday to Friday, 27 Tammuz 5773) launched several attacks against Egyptian forces in Sinai. Four separate locations in the northeastern area were targeted, including a military position in the area of the el-Arish International Airport and near the entrance to Rafiach. Exchanges of gunfire were reported as well as anti-tank rocket fire directed at the Egyptian soldiers near Rafiach. One soldier is confirmed dead at the Rafiach location.

The el-Aharam newspaper reports an Egyptian military helicopter targeted a vehicle carrying armed gunmen in apparent retaliation for the attack at the airport. There were no reports of casualties.

There were reports of confrontations during the night throughout the country, between Islamic Brotherhood forces and the Egyptian Army.

Israel continues to monitor events in that county as they unfold.

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