Jewish Women Uniting for Worldwide Tefilla Event

koselFollowing last year’s success, the Am Echad Im Lev Echad (One Nation with One Heart) organization is organizing another worldwide tefilla event for women and girls. The sponsors highlight the achdus aspect of the event, which they feel is absolutely critical during these difficult times.

On this coming Rosh Chodesh Av (July 8, 2013), at 18:00 on Monday evening, women and girls will gather at the Kosel where the special tefilos will take place. Included will be Tehillim 119 according to the letters א.ח.ד.ו.ת י.ש.ר.א.ל along with perek 133.

YWN-ISRAEL points out that this is the third consecutive year the event is being held and it has no connection with Women of the Wall Rosh Chodesh prayer events.

The organization Am Echad Im Lev Echad is a Jewish Group initiating tefilla gatherings of religious women. Many prominent rebbetzins have given their brochos for this group’s activities.

Rosh Chodesh Av was chosen for this gathering because it is the yahrzeit of Aharon HaKohen Gadol, who was “Ohav shalom v’rodef shalom”.

Organizers add “This is our 3rd annual prayer gathering in which we hope the merit of Aharon HaKohen will stand by us in our efforts to help increase our ability to feel One Nation Am Yisrael, especially at this time of difficulties, both from within and from without.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Following last year’s success, the Am Echad….

    How was it a success?? We are still in a deep deep Golus;, Some kids have to go to the army while others dont want to;, There is still Tzorohs R”L in many families. E”Y is still under the threat from its neighbors; anti semitism is growing. But they were Successful? Successful in what?

  2. Yira,

    Success in their goal in increasing achdus for that one moment, and in increasing tefilos for syata in further achdus.

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