Emunah Women’s Organization Petitions High Court Regarding Mashgichot Kashrus

kosherThe Emunah Women’s Organization on Wednesday, 25,Tammuz 5773 petitioned the High Court of Justice to compel the Chief Rabbinate of Israel top permit women who completed a kashrus mashgiach course to take the test for official recognition. The petition is filed against the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and the minister of religious services.

Emunah first turned to the Chief Rabbinate about 14 months ago but nothing has moved forward, compelling its decision to take its case to the High Court. The women are graduates of a course to certify mashgichim as well as to prepare them to take the Chief Rabbinate certification exam.

As was reported earlier by YWN-ISRAEL, Chief Rabbi Yonah Metzger has already stated he does not object to female mashgichot kashrus, adding at times, such a reality may even enhance tznius in a kitchen where most of the employees are women.

Emunah officials are confident that just like they succeeded in overcoming the hurdle in Israel regarding female rabbinical advocates, who today serve an integral role in the nation’s batei din, the same will occur regarding the female kashrus supervisors.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. These women deserve to serve as mashgichim, BTW the average age of the participants in this course was 40 and above. The real issue is these women will be increasing competition to the job market of Mashgichim.

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