Dr. Yitzchak Kadmon Addresses the 8th Hamodia Conference

HamodiaDr. Yitzchak Kadmon, who heads the state’s Child Welfare Council, addressed the eighth annual Hamodia Conference in the Jerusalem Convention Center on Tuesday, 24 Tammuz 5773. Following is a synopsis of his remarks.

The doctor began by dispelling the fallacy that is supported by too many politicians. “They believe that if one works, one does not need monthly child allowance payments and these payments therefore encourage unemployment. This is not so,” Dr. Kadmon insists.

“This is what they are selling the public but it is simply not true. Most of the families receiving monthly child assistance payments in Israel are working families. Just today there was a discussion in the Knesset. A single mom explained that as a secretary she earns 4,500 NIS monthly and cannot survive. This of course is not enough to live and she works additional hours elsewhere in the hope of supporting her family. She does not receive child support, and now, they are going to cut thousands in government assistance. It is cruelty as they tell her ‘go get a job. Go work’”.

He called the administration’s effort to point an accusing finger at chareidim “criminal” and “built on hate”.

The doctor provides some data. There are 1,068 families in the state with over 11 children. He adds that only 4% of the population has six children and 30 years ago there were more families than today with six children, about 7%. Dr. Kadmon accused the administration of “trying to scare the public”, stating the facts are not accurate and the ministers simply seek to paint a picture that does not exist. It is not the fault of the large families he explains for they only number a very small percentage of the population today.

He feels that not only should the monthly child allowance not be cut, but it should be increased to 250 NIS per child monthly. This sum he explains would be taxed in line with one’s income. This is the way that Israel can begin closing in on European standards he insists, and not by cutting assistance.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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