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Hard Financial Times – Not in the Knesset

knessetIt would appear that for elected officials in Israel, leading by example is not something to emulate for while the nation is instructed to tighten its belt, the Knesset operating budget has been increased by 11%.

The lawmakers voted in the raise on Monday, 23 Tammuz 5773 and as a result, the budget for the Knesset in the coming year will be an unprecedented 606 million NIS. This includes a 16% increase for refreshments, now receiving 850,000 NIS.

However, in the big picture, the refreshment budget is small potatoes when one considers 61 million NIS has been allocated for salaries along with 64 million NIS to pay for job benefits. The Knesset TV Channel received a 2.4 million NIS increase, now 30.5 million NIS annually.

In addition, the Knesset computerization budget was increased by 38%, now 40 million NIS annually.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Only 120 positions in the entire country. Very difficult to obtain one of those positions. I think they are being compensated fairly.

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