Ministerial Committee Approves Bill to Change the Form of Government

knessetThe Ministerial Legislative Committee on Sunday 22 Tammuz approved a bill that seeks to change Israel’s form of government. The bill is sponsored by Yesh Atid, and it would limit the number of cabinet ministers to 18 (not including the prime minister), deputy ministers to 4, eliminate the post of a minister-without-portfolio. In addition, and permit a minister to hold only one government portfolio. The bill will raise the minimum threshold to enter Knesset from the current 3% to 4%. The bill is expected to pass its preliminary reading in Knesset.

Other components of the bill require a majority of at least 65 to pass a no confidence motion against the coalition instead of the current 61, a simple majority in the 120-seat Knesset. Yesh Atid feels this will permit a prime minister to concentrate on running the country instead of busying himself with survival issues.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Yeshiva World News – a so-called charedi site – seems to be just like those secular media blocking out major chareidi news. More than a thousand chareidim from Belgium and nearby European countries gathered for a protest yesterday against enlisting yeshiva students into the army and not one word about it on YWN?

  2. Athought – its not news and no one cares. Rav Shteineman said that demonstrations are pointless and only chizuk in Torah will help. It’s time that we mind our leaders.

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