Bloomberg: Pre-Election Polls Are Just To Keep The Press Occupied

blom2“All I can tell you is, I’ve been there three times,” Michael Bloomberg said Monday, during a press conference announcing Spotify’s expansion plans, according to Capital New York. “The polls change, number one. Number two, the polls are more a function of who you ask.”

Mr. Bloomberg was responding to the two conflicting polls on the mayoral race, released last week, that showed Anthony Weiner in the lead or tied with Quinn and Thompson.

“Every pollster has a different view,” Bloomberg explained. “I think one of them said the reason their polls were dramatically different … is they ask people who are not decided, ‘Who are you likely to vote for?’

“Some don’t call people that have cell phones. Well, a lot of people don’t have landlines anymore. Some only call people who are home on Tuesday nights. Tuesday nights is when they may be out doing something. I don’t know. The only poll that matters will be taken beginning of September, maybe a few weeks later for a runoff, and then a final one in November. And then the rest are all just something to keep you busy.”

h/t Dana Rubenstein

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

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