NJ Governor Says Same-Gender Marriage Ruling A ‘Bad Decision’

chrNew Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling erasing part of a federal anti-gay marriage law was a “bad decision” and an example of “judicial supremacy.”

In January, the Republican governor and potential 2016 presidential candidate vetoed a New Jersey same-gender marriage bill. On a radio program Wednesday, he said he’d do the same to any new legislation.

If an “institution that’s over 2,000 years old” is to be changed, he says a referendum should be held.

The Supreme Court struck down a provision of a federal law denying federal benefits to married same-gender couples.

Christie calls it an “example of judicial supremacy rather than having a government run by the people we actually vote for.”

He also says, “I thought it was a bad decision.”


4 Responses

  1. 1. It probably leaves it to the states, without deciding that clearly (leaving open the question of whether the Federal constitution requires states to recognize same-gender marriages, or to recognize other state’s same gender marriages).

    2. Almost every argument for “gay marriage” also applies to recongition of polygamous marriages, which raises a whole new set of questions.

    3. As frum Jews (for the most part) don’t recognize the competency of the goyim’s law in areas of marriage, this really doesn’t affect us directly.

    4. It might be used by anti-Semites (most of whom are Jews) to attack us for not recognizing same gender marriage, but it truth, they don’t really need a reason to attack us (us then the fact we exist, in their face, which annoys them).

  2. #1: This law is contrary to one of the Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach, and thereby affects us (and them) directly, whether they feel it or not.

    It’s just another step in the inevitable total spritual degeneration of society which will occure prior to the coming of Moshiach.

    If the US contiues down this spiral, the country is doomed. See Medrash Rabbah Bereishis 26:5.

    Hashem Yishmor.

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