PM Netanyahu Ready to Release Additional Terrorists

biblPrime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has decided he is ready to release additional PA (Palestinian Authority) terrorists in another goodwill gesture to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen). Such a move will most likely be timed with Ramadan, around July 7, 2013, the daily Maariv reports.

In addition, the prime minister is preparing to have the cabinet vote to freeze all settlement construction outside the so-called settlement blocs, referring to large communities such as Ariel and Maale Adumim.

In an interview with Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Tuesday morning 17 Tammuz 5773, senior PA negotiator Dr. Saeb Erekat stated that the issue of Israel withdrawing to the pre-1967 borders is still a demand since “that is the basis of the two state solution” Erekat explained.

US Secretary of State John Kerry is applying pressure on both sides as he prepares for another round of shuttle diplomacy towards bringing the sides back to the negotiating table.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. these people are just so blind.
    The more “good will gestures” Israel make, the longer any peace deal (if it will ever happen) willtake as the palastinias know that Netanyhu isjust leting out terorists as good will gestures to start up negotiation.
    nowaday palastininans dontcare to make trrorist attacks as they that even if they caught, within a year or two they will be released either as a “good will gesture” or as a prisoner swap, or for hnger striking ect.
    These stupid Israelis should stand up for themselves…

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