Gafne Calls Lapid ‘A Dictator’

lapidMK (Yahadut Hatorah) Moshe Gafne lashed out against Yesh Atid party leader, Finance Minister Yair Lapid, calling him “a dictator”.

During an address to the Knesset on Monday, 16 Tammuz 5773, Gafne stated “What strong body in the state did the finance minister face? The situation is a difficult one? Everyone should contribute to the situation. The only strong body he faced is the chareidim – but there is a reason for it but more than this…”

“He starts with the chareidi housewife. That is where he will strike — the small chareidi children who won’t have milk to drink, but that’s okay. No argument here. This is what he decided to tackle…”

“I understand Yesh Atid Knesset Members have a problem. They cannot oppose him. He gives orders. Those who do not adhere to his word will not be reelected in the next Knesset. There is a dictatorship, a balance of terror or fear of rule – it is terrible. No such thing? Don’t adhere to what the finance minister says and you are out of the next Knesset!”

Responses from Yesh Atid Knesset Members:

Shimon Solomon called on Gafne to exhibit a bit of modesty and to refrain from continuously mocking individuals. He suggests that Gafne begin addressing issues and not personalities.

Deputy Minister Mickey Levy said “leave him alone. He doesn’t have derech eretz”.

Ronen Hoffman shouts cynically: Gafne, you’re the defender of democracy. We have at least 15 members of the Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael in the party. Our supporters turn to them and they don’t have self interests as is the case with you guys.

Meir Porush (Yahadut Hatorah) to Yesh Atid MKS: “Can I bring you the Yesh Atid guidelines?”

Gafne: They don’t need guidelines. Lapid decides who is on the list and the order of the lineup. What do you need guidelines for?

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. There is some truth to Gafne’s vitriol speech except without some type of communication and relationship building the worse is yet to come. C”V

  2. Gafne wake up the party is over for youu. the days of taking taking and not giving are over. The days of speacail treatment for the chareidim in housing, taxes, and over.

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