NY Senator Warns Of Dangerous Cell Phone Batteries

ywtextnA New York senator is warning that buying counterfeit or poorly made cell-phone batteries can lead to phones overheating and even exploding.

U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer commented Sunday at a stop in Manhattan. The New York Democrat says problems most often occur when people replace batteries that came with their phones with bargain-priced batteries that might be counterfeit.

Schumer said there have been at least 60 reported instances of cell phone potteries smoking, catching fire or exploding in the last two years. He called on the Consumer Product Safety Commission to determine the full scope of the problem.

He noted publicized cases of a Minnesota eighth grader who was burned when a cell phone exploded in his pocket. He says a Texas man injured his ear in a similar incident.


One Response

  1. Wow amazing! His tax payers salary is well worth it. Its a good thing the blind bats in NY State keep electing this genius. How would we survive without him?
    Schumer has got way to much free time on his hands!

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