Police: ‘Chareidim’ Responsible for Ashkelon Break-Ins Nabbed

mishtAccording to police detectives from the Ashkelon district, two burglars are in custody, believed responsible for break-ins in the area. The two, in their 20s, allegedly broke into many areas homes. They were dressed in chareidi clothing, permitting them to walk around without arousing suspicion.

The break-ins occurred during the afternoon hours when no one was at home or during the nighttime when family members were asleep. They looked for gold jewelry, which they sold to dealers.

On Monday, 9 Tammuz 5773, a neighbor saw something suspicious and phoned police. The police response was rapid and the thieves were apprehended. They were in possession of burglary tools and stolen merchandise valued in the thousands.

The thieves reportedly hit other cities as well and they were so professional that in some cases it took some time until the break-ins were detected.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Do th epolice mention when burglars are dressed as hilonim?

    And if they were hareidim, the police would be gloating about by givng their addresses and the names of their rebbes.

  2. akuperman, The preconceived notion is that most crimes are perpetrated by non-haredim and therefore, when one is alleged, and they are haredi, then it is “noteworthy”.

    Imagine if a blind person were to kill somebody by strangulation. The fact that he is blind would be “noteworthy”.

    The good thing is that we know Haredim are like everybody else – strengths and weakness, faults and virtues, etc.

    As for the suspected “gloating”, well, it might be best to assume more a humble social position. The “arrogance” perceived by most Israelis is not good for anybody.

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