Shas Continues to Attack Rav Stav

stavIn the latest round of attacks against Rabbi David Stav, Shas uses its Yom L’Yom newspaper to lash out against the head of the Tzohar Rabbonim organization who wishes to become the next Chief Rabbi of Israel. In the Thursday 12 Tammuz 5773 edition of the newspaper Rav Stav is referred to as the “Movie Rabbi”, referring to his sefer. “We are all familiar with Lapid and Piron plan to uproot Yiddishkheit with their Reform methodology” the newspaper adds.

“It now appears there is a third component to the awful plan called Rabbi David Stav. Stav plays an integral role in the ongoing shmad campaign against us and he hides it” Yom L’Yom adds.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. When two Jews are having a private argument over who should run for the office of the Chief Rabbi…that would be one story but when a great Torah authority uses the media to spout hatred of another Jew this is beyond words. Right or wrong there is nothing is worse than Jew against Jew…Rav Stav may or may not be the best candidate but who if filling Rav Ovadia’s head with garbage.

    Shabbat Shalom

  2. Correction to my last sentence. Sorry about that…
    Rav Stav may or may not be the best candidate but who is filling Rav Ovadia’s head with garbage.

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